Chuckie Todd

Written by David French

This weekend, Ben Carson did what he does best. He clearly and plainly stated a mainstream conservative view that most Republican politicians dare not utter — in this case, that the debate over abortion is comparable to the debate over slavery. Speaking to NBC’s Chuck Todd, Carson said: “During slavery — and I know that’s one of those words you’re not supposed to say, but I’m saying it — during slavery, a lot of slave owners thought they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave, anything that they chose.… Continue Reading

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IFA_We Need You_Election Judge


Written by John Biver

Last time I listed a number of links on the topic of voter fraud, and if you haven’t yet, I would encourage you to read the articles and watch the videos. While it may sound trite — it is nevertheless true — a lot is at stake on Election Day. These days, the policies chosen by those we elect — even at the local level — can involve many millions and at times billions of dollars.… Continue Reading


Dem Debate

Written by Dennis Prager

If you want to understand today’s Democratic Party, a word search of the Democrats’ debate last week provides a pretty clear picture.

Here is how many times key words were spoken:

Wall Street: 23

Tax: 20

Inequality: 9

Wealthy: 7

Now, compare the number of times other national concerns were mentioned:


Terror/ists/ism: 2

Defense: 2

Military (excluding Jim Webb): 1

Freedom: 1

Debt (national): 0

Liberty: 0

Strength: 0

Armed forces: 0

Islamist/Islamic: 0

Material inequality is the predominant concern of the Democratic Party.

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Compiled by Lia Annunziata

Some of the concerns with Common Core include the questionable academic quality, non-transparent creation and quick adoption, federal involvement, expansion of student data-mining and the further erosion of state and local control.

As they have learned how Common Core will affect curricula, teaching, and testing, state lawmakers and citizens have strongly objected, causing more than a dozen states to consider withdrawing and others to drop their involvement with federally funded tests.

Here’s what the 2016 Republican Presidential Candidates say about Common Core.… Continue Reading


Poll Watcher prevents Voter Fraud

Written by John Biver

Believe it or not, the question of whether voter fraud is a serious concern is debated not just between the political left and the political right. It’s also a controversy among Republicans and conservatives. What’s not in doubt is that there is plenty of anecdotal and factual evidence out there for everyone to consider.

First, just one anecdote. Inside sources tell me that many Republicans on the ground are convinced that Mike Bost would not have won the general election last year to represent his neighbors in the U.S.… Continue Reading



Written by John Stemberger

If there is one man who can fundamentally reform the way the United States Congress does business, it is Dan Webster. Why? For the simple reason that we saw him do it in Florida. I have personally observed him in his role as a public servant for 32 years.

Before serving in Washington, D.C., Dan Webster served in the Florida Legislature for 28 years. He was in the Florida House of Representatives for 18 years and appointed by his colleagues to be Speaker.… Continue Reading


Precinct Committeeman

Written by David E. Smith

Last week we held a special online webinar for people interested in the opportunity to become a Republican Precinct Committeeman.  A number of people informed me that they would not be able to join the live broadcast due to prior commitments.  The good news is, we recorded the webinar and it is now available online as a YouTube video to be viewed at your convenience.

I want to urge our readers to seriously consider this opportunity.  … Continue Reading



Written by Ray Nothstine

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appeared triumphant and invigorated after Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders bellowed, “Enough with the damn e-mails!” at last week’s Democrat debate in Las Vegas.

The scandal, which some have compared to Watergate because of its “drip” effect, first surfaced in March and threatens to unravel a campaign that was once seen as a coronation. Clinton, who has brushed aside past scandals like Whitewater and Travelgate, wants to turn the email controversy into the past tense as well.… Continue Reading



Written by Bruce Walker

Nothing exposes the cynical hypocrisy of the left more than its jihadist attitude toward the dubious theory of man-made global warming.  The phoniness and selfishness of the left show up in several different ways.

The left pronounces manmade global warming “settled science” but then insists that we continue to spend billions of dollars in climate change research.  If it is truly settled science, then we need to spend no more money at all on research, and if this supposed dire threat requires immediate action by governments, then even research on the best way to contain climate change is unnecessary.… Continue Reading



Posted by Parents Opposed to Pot

During the Democratic debate on October 13, Bernie Sanders had a misunderstanding of the facts when he suggested people go to prison for smoking a joint. A few days later, Dan Riffle, a lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy Project, admitted on Twitter that it doesn’t happen. However, for the last five years, the marijuana advocates have aggressively promoted the misconception that people are arrested and go to prison for pot possession alone.… Continue Reading



Written by Matt Barber

Mankind’s enduring “culture war” is nothing new. It first began in a garden long ago and today has reached a fever pitch worldwide. The battle lines are drawn, not so much between conservative vs. liberal, as many presume, but, rather, between biblical vs. unbiblical, truth vs. deception. In its most distilled form the culture war signifies the worldly manifestation of an otherworldy spiritual battle between good and evil.

African Cardinal Robert Sarah, a man many view as a potential future pope, recently made news by boldly drilling down into this reality.… Continue Reading
