The Clean Air Act gives him one more big tool to control states’ energy sectors. Will he use it?

Written by Brian Potts

Over the past six months, President Barack Obama has cemented his climate legacy with the release of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan and the execution of the Paris climate agreement. But, as even he admits, neither of those policies will be enough to avert the worst effects of climate change. In fact, the laws on the books today aren’t even enough for the United States to meet its Paris obligations.… Continue Reading

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Religious Liberty

Written by Jon Schweppe

The results of the 2016 Iowa Caucus are in, and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) won with 28 percent of the vote. Donald Trump finished in a disappointing second place with 24 percent, while U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) surged to a close third place with 23 percent.

Terry Schilling, Executive Director at American Principles Project and contributor to The Pulse 2016, explained the results:

“Tonight proves one thing — if you won’t prioritize protecting religious liberty, you won’t win,” Schilling said.… Continue Reading


Join fellow conservatives for a dynamic movie night featuring one of the top compelling films that portrays the true story of how America’s institutions have been infiltrated by Progressive activists who seek the overthrow of America’s traditional culture from within.  Click HERE to watch the trailer.

IFA to Host_Agenda 2_Collinsville


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Dear Friend of Marriage and Religious Liberty,

Senator Ted Cruz’s victory [last night] is a resounding affirmation by the Republican voters of Iowa of their determination to protect the institution of marriage against the onslaught being waged against it by cultural and judicial elites.

Iowans have said to the five U.S. Supreme Court justices who in the Obergefell decision sought to impose “same-sex marriage” on them and the people of every other state: This will not stand!… Continue Reading


Cruz Trump

Written by Pastor John Kirkwood

There are similarities between Trump and Cruz supporters but the prime difference is that the Trump voter is mainly actuated by one principle: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

If you despise the GOP establishment and you hate Political Correctness then Trump the “outsider,” who has challenged those things vociferously, is very appealing. The dismayed and despondent, blind with rage, just want a pound of flesh. RINO flesh. And who can blame them?… Continue Reading


Written by David E. Smith

The family is the bedrock of society. It is the institution that teaches people to give for the sake of others. It is a school of morality. And the family is under siege. President Ronald Reagan underscored the importance of family in a national address on May 28, 1985:

There is no cultural institution as ennobling as family life. And there is no superior, indeed no equal, means to rear the young, protect the weak, or attend the elderly.

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Written By Rev. James McDonald

There is no doubt about it, many of us are hoping that 2016 will bring real change. Remembering back to the mantras of 2008, there were those who were anticipating “hope and change.” However, what we have seen over the course of the past eight years is not only more of the same, but a continual slide into social, economic, international, and moral chaos. And as a result, we continue to petition the Throne of Heaven, seeking real and fundamental change.… Continue Reading


Join fellow conservatives for a dynamic movie night featuring one of the top compelling films that portrays the true story of how America’s institutions have been infiltrated by Progressive activists who seek the overthrow of America’s traditional culture from within.  Click HERE to watch the trailer.

IFA to Host_Agenda 2_Doc_Grayslake

Click HERE for a map to this location. 

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150310151113-nr-hillary-qa-email-2-large-169Written by Roger Aronoff

This is not how Hillary Clinton’s run for the White House was supposed to go: full of never-ending scandals, with a close primary competitor, and two FBI investigations. There is but one week to go before the Iowa caucuses, where the first votes in this year’s presidential race will finally be cast.

While Hillary Clinton is still the clear leader in national polls and likely to receive the nomination, the numbers are extremely close in Iowa between Hillary and the democratic socialist candidate Sen.Continue Reading



Written by Ben Shapiro

This week, U.S. Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has bashed Trump for insufficient conservatism. He explained, “Donald’s record does not match what he says as a candidate.” Cruz isn’t the only one. Last month, Rush Limbaugh said that Trump’s attacks on Cruz reflected the fact that he was not a “genuine conservative.” Mark Levin said in 2011, “Trump is NOT the real deal… He is not a conservative. He was happy to donate to Schumer, Weiner & Emanuel campaigns last year.… Continue Reading



Written by David E. Smith

I don’t have to tell you how important this year’s elections are. I’m sure you understand how critical it is that you and like-minded people in your sphere of influence take part in the political process and vote for those candidates that will uphold the basic principles that our state and nation were founded upon — those candidates who will fight for faith, family, and freedom.

For several years I have hoped that Christian conservatives would understand something vitally important:

We don’t have a legislative or public policy problem in Illinois, we have a political problem.

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