This week's Spotlight features a discussion about the March 20th primary, the lawsuit surrounding HB 40, a bill enacting taxpayer funding of abortion, SB 1564 a bill that forces medical personnel to refer women to abortion clinics, the sanctuary state legislation signed by Governor Rauner, the Equal Rights Amendment, and new legislation concerns, including physician assisted suicide, and recreational marijuana.
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In a high tax state that's bankrupt and losing jobs and residents, one might think that our government officials would have better things to do than legalizing marijuana for recreational use. And one would be wrong. Especially when taxing marijuana is seen as yet another source of revenue for their almost bankrupt tax coffers.
Democratic National Committee (DNC) Deputy Chairman Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) publicized his endorsement of the violent radical leftist organization Antifa Wednesday night by posting a photo of himself touting the political activist group’s handbook and warning President Donald Trump that they are not afraid to use it.
On the last day of bad old last year, Lake Superior State University released its 43rd annual List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Misuse, Overuse and General Uselessness. The ripest for excision was “fake news.” “Let that sink in.”
Year two of the President Donald J. Trump presidency doesn’t technically begin until later this month, but a quick look back at 2017 and ahead to 2018 is in order. First, 2017. Many of those who have been working in the political trenches for a long time welcomed Trump’s candidacy and presidency. Why?
One wonders what would have happened if the Sweet Cakes by Melissa case involved not the owners refusing to be coerced to violate their religious conscience by providing a cake not to two same-sex people celebrating their union and calling it a marriage, but rather a Muslim bakery being forced to bake a cake decorated with a cartoon picture of the prophet Muhammad covered with bacon sprinkles.

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When most people think of intolerance, they imagine a racist taunting a black person. Or they think of the white supremacist who killed a demonstrator in Charlottesville, Virginia. It seldom occurs to them that intolerance comes in all political shapes and sizes...
Two famous children’s stories, “Chicken Little” and “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” convey an important message for today’s gloom-peddling Left. In both tales, frightened main characters warn of impending disaster—”the sky is falling” or a rampaging wolf will devour the innocent...
Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) appeared on CNN’s “New Day” on Tuesday to talk about whether Democrats would work with President Donald Trump and his agenda in 2018 and was greeted by a conspiracy-minded CNN host...
In 2012, Barack Obama was running for a second term for President of the United States. The U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, had been attacked by Islamic terrorists. United States Ambassador Chris Stevens, IMO Sean Smith, and CIA Contractors and former Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were all killed in the attack. Yet, the White House and State Department, under the lead of Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lied repeatedly about the nature and cause of the attack.