We don’t mean to brag, but a financial analysis done by the group 24/7 Wall Street finds that Illinois is NOT the worst run state in the nation. It found we’re the 3rd worst — and interestingly enough, the analysis also found we border the 3rd best run state in the nation.
Of course, ranking 48th out of 50 is nothing to brag about. State Rep. Bill Mitchell, a Republican from Forsythe, repeats many of the obvious problems the state faces.… Continue Reading
Written by Robert Klein Engler
On Wednesday, November 20, 2013, the professed Catholic governor of Illinois, Pat Quinn, signed a bill making same-sex marriage, or marriage between “two persons,” possible in the state.
Prior to Quinn’s signing the same-sex marriage bill, Francis Cardinal George condemned same-sex marriage in Illinois. The Cardinal said, “There will be consequences for the Church and society that will become clearer as the law is used to sue for discrimination.” He added that the new law is “bad law because it will contribute over the long run to the further dissolution of marriage and family life…”
Others have spoken out about the threat to society represented by same-sex marriage — some gay men among them. … Continue Reading

Written by David E. Smith
Last week, the Family Research Council (FRC) asked Illinois’s U.S. Senator Mark Kirk to apologize for his bigoted decision to cancel a Senate office building room reservation for the Rockford-based Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society after radical homosexual activists protested the event.
According to Sen. Kirk’s press secretary, Kirk cancelled the meeting because he “will not host groups that advance a hateful agenda.” And what is the “hateful agenda”? … Continue Reading
Written by David E. Smith
This is ridiculous! Aren’t we tired of liberal cheer-leader Judy Barr Topinka? I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have an honest liberal with a D after her name as Comptroller than radical liberal Republican [liar] like the one we have now. At least it will be truth in advertising!
I say we retire Topinka in November 2014 so she can get all the flowering experience she can for LGBTQ “weddings” in the years to come. … Continue Reading

Written by David E. Smith
State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale) is a strong proponent of natural marriage. IFA thanks Dillard for his very strong pro-marriage position and speech at the IFI Defend Marriage Lobby Day at the Capitol in October. We need more pro-life, pro-marriage leaders like Senator Dillard — leaders who are not afraid of speaking plainly and boldly in defense of families, common sense and traditional values.
This is what he had to say to a crowd of close to 4,000 people:
My Dear Friends,
Welcome to your state capitol.
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Bowing to pressure from the left-wing Human Rights Campaign, U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (RINO-IL) abruptly canceled access to a Senate meeting room for an event scheduled for today by the Rockford-based Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society.
Gay activists are upset that the World Congress of Families, which is currently planning a global summit of supporters of the “traditional family” to be held in Moscow in 2014, would be holding an event in a meeting room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building.
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Written by Bill Johnson, American Decency Association
The true Christian is called to be a soldier, and must behave as such from the day of his conversion to the day of his death. He is not meant to live a life of pious ease, indolence and security. [J.C. Ryle, Holiness]
Daily the grip of socialism is expanding – swallowing up liberty. Eating at your income, freedom of speech and religion, your sense of well-being.
There are those (perhaps you are one) who are fighting and being bloodied. … Continue Reading