Written by Robert Knight
The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld Ohio’s election reform law, but liberal courts have struck down voter photo ID laws in other states such as North Carolina and North Dakota and watered-down photo ID laws in Texas and Wisconsin.
Federal judges also have vacated statutes in Alabama, Georgia and Kansas that permitted states to require proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote. The media and prominent Democrats cannot hide their delight.… Continue Reading

“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
~Barack Hussein Obama
Written by Matt Barber
Isn’t it about time we crusade for self-defense?
I’ll say it again. Political correctness is a barrier to truth and a pathway to tyranny.
It’s also deadly.
As I beheld across my social media feeds Thursday night, the horrific, blood-bathed images of 84-plus slaughtered innocents on the streets of Nice, France (at the hands of yet another Muslim named Mohamed), I was reminded of a quote by the great Winston Churchill: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.”… Continue Reading

Written by Suzanne Shattuck
Not only has Obama essentially issued a stand down order to our entire federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies when dealing with the increasing Islamic war occurring on American soil, but he implies a passive response from all Americans as he would have us lay down our arms in response to an attack.
With every passing Islamic jihadi attack, he proves the only position he expects from us all is to submit to Islam and take the violence they dish out as discipline for our overly Islamophobic responses to their peaceful culture and our freedom to own and use guns to protect ourselves.… Continue Reading

Sanctimonious Lawmakers Lecture Soverign Officials While Springfield Burns
Written by Monte Larrick and David E. Smith
Illinois is on the brink of bankruptcy, yet dozens of Illinois state senators found time to criticize the public policies of other states. Instead of passing a balanced budget, finding ways to reduce our deficit, cutting out-of-control spending, making Illinois more job-friendly, and fixing the overwhelming pension problem, our state senators are making out-of-state bathroom policies a priority.
Senate Resolution 1752 (SR 1752) passed by 32-14, the last day of the scheduled session. … Continue Reading

As you know, both political parties in Illinois decide the content of their political platforms at their state conventions, which are held every four years. This year in Illinois, the Convention is being held in Peoria on Saturday, May 21st.
Rumor has it, that the platform may be altered to redefine the traditional marriage statement. Language could be inserted that would redefine marriage to reflect more of a nuclear family, rather than the traditional language.… Continue Reading

Written by Micah Clark
The media’s impact upon society has always interested me. I think the media has enormous power shaping public opinion and they take great pride in that power. There seems to be little doubt that the former reality TV star and businessman Donald Trump knows this too. He seems to have successfully tailored his rhetoric and campaign around it.
Recently, Donald Trump has really profited from claims of a rigged system, and he’s profited from the rigged system itself. … Continue Reading

Written by Napp Nazworth
Andrew Koppelman is a gay law professor.
William Saletan is a liberal writer for Slate.
Peter Tatchell is a LGBT activist.
All three of them are more supportive of religious freedom for Christians than John Kasich.
For all the talk about the Republican presidential candidate and Ohio governor being a “moderate,” Kasich is an extremist, more akin to President Barack Obama, on religious freedom.
“I think frankly, our churches should not be forced to do anything that’s not consistent with them.… Continue Reading

Written by Robert Knight
Ever wonder how Bernie Sanders’ brand of “democratic socialism” differs from socialism in general, which has wreaked havoc all over the world?
The short answer is: only by degree. Progressives of all stripes work to establish “equality” by empowering governments. The difference is their place on the axis of forced egalitarianism.
Like other democratic socialists, the Vermont Democrat rejects communism, National Socialism (Nazis), fascism and other variants as anti-democratic. The democratic socialists insist that they can preserve human liberties while forcing everyone into communal economic arrangements. … Continue Reading