Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

Victimhood: Favorite Status of The Left

Written by Oliver North and David Goetsch

America was founded and expanded from sea to sea by rugged individualists, freedom-loving men and women who believed in personal responsibility, self-sufficiency, and independence. Our pioneering ancestors had a no-excuses attitude toward life. They believed in working hard, smart, and long to build better lives for themselves and their families, wanted opportunities not handouts, would accept only what they earned, and preferred a government that stayed out of their way.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Romania and the Rights Removed

Written by David E. Smith

On this edition of Spotlight, we feature the inspiring story of Virginia Prodan. Growing up in the communist regime of Romanian dictator, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Virginia’s passionate pursuit of truth led her to law school and a career as an attorney. In her interview with Monte Larrick, she describes how God used an appointment with a client to open her eyes to the Truth of the Gospel and relates the amazing story of the encounter that prompted the title of her book, Saving My Assassin.… Continue Reading

I’m a Privileged American … Please Put Race Aside

Written by Dr. Gary L. Welton

I do not feel like a privileged person today when I watch Olympic competitions. These young white, black, and Asian athletes from around the world have been given incredible opportunities to train and specialize in their events. When I should have started such training as a child, I did not even know there was such a thing. When we had a functional television in our home, which was rare, we had atrocious reception.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Ultimate Guardrail For Your Daughters

Written by Jenna Smith

To the great sorrow of pro-life, pro-family citizens of Illinois, on December 17, 2021,  Governor JB Pritzker signed into law House Bill 370, thereby repealing the Parental Notice of Abortion Act and eliminating the right for parents to be made aware of a minor daughter’s pregnancy and impending abortion.

Joining me for an important Spotlight conversation are IFI contributors Kenna Rose and Alyssa. Please listen as we discuss the impact of the repeal of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act and the repercussions of HB 370, the disingenuously named Illinois Youth Health and Safety Act.… Continue Reading

Liberals Are Lying to You While Turning America Upside Down

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

M. Scott Peck once said that America had become a “people of the lie.” His point was that our nation’s establishment — our leaders in government, media and education, along with the hoard of mindless lemmings who parrot their every decree — have lied so often to others and even to themselves that they have come to believe their own deception.

“The central defect of the evil,” he said, “is not the sin but the refusal to acknowledge it.” … Continue Reading

How Did The United States Ever Become So Divided?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

2021 is behind us. It has been another year of conflict. Another year of anger. Another year of division. A year of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated, the masked versus the unmasked, of us against them. A time of racists calling everyone else racists, men calling themselves women and basically everybody accusing everyone of being the cause of everything that ails us.

How did we get here? How did the United States ever become so divided?… Continue Reading

A Conversation with Pastor Douglas Wilson

Written by David E. Smith

IFI was honored to have theologian, pastor, and courageous truth-teller Doug Wilson speak at our September 2015 banquet, after which he continued his critique of culture in an interview with Pastor Derek Buikema of the Orland Park Christian Reformed Church. Pastor Wilson addressed the cultural issues to which Christians must respond: abortion and same-sex “mirage.”

Take a break from the holiday bustle to relish and challenged by words that more Christian leaders should be speaking.… Continue Reading

Omicron: Mother Nature’s Universal Booster

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In the ultimate irony, those who get more boosters appear more at risk to get the new variant of coronavirus. At the same time, God appears to be offering natural boosters by making this variant a mild illness that doesn’t cause lung inflammation or blood clotting, and new evidence suggests that it might offer protection against more serious strains of the virus. So why aren’t the public health “experts” taking “yes” for an answer and ending the failed vaccines and panic-induced mandates?… Continue Reading

America Needs a Few Good Men

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, the man Simon & Schuster canceled for daring to criticize cancel culture, once again inspired the ire of our nation’s intelligentsia. What was the senator’s crime this time? He dared to champion “manhood” and urged men to act like men.

Let’s consider Mr. Hawley‘s own words.

Last month, in an address given to the National Conservatism Conference in Orlando, Florida, Mr. Hawley challenged what he called the trend of American men to withdraw into “enclave[s] of idleness” as the result of being taught that their “manhood is the problem.”… Continue Reading

Parental Educational Rights and Religious Liberty: The Yoder Case Revisited

Written by Dr. John A. Sparks

Throughout the country, parents are concerned that some public schoolboards, administrators, and associations hold them in disdain and fear their input when they raise legitimate questions about the direction of their local schools. Just short of 50 years ago (1972), the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision that protects parents in the educational choices they make for their children—Wisconsin v. Yoder. Revisiting Yoder nearly a half-century later is more than a historical exercise. … Continue Reading