Category: Federal Issues

The Shrill is Gone! Who’s Got Next in the Demokratik Party?


Written by Luke Hamilton

It is never too early to start planning the completion of a communist coup. We are only midway through Dear Leader’s second term, but the Demokrat primary for the 2016 Presidential election is beginning to take shape. It almost seems as if the party has already abdicated this year’s mid-term election and is instead marshalling forces for the next major election season. It wouldn’t be the worst strategy, given the fact that the prognosis is dire for Demokrats this year.… Continue Reading

Media Hit Obama for Placing Fundraising Above World Crises


Written by Don Irvine

Despite increasing criticism from the mainstream media over how President Barack Obama has responded to the downed Malaysian plane and the latest conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, the White House remains defiant, arguing that his response has been appropriate.

Rather than issue a statement immediately after Malaysian flight MH17 was shot down by pro-Russian separatists while flying over Ukraine, Obama continued on with his planned events, which included grabbing a cheeseburger at The Charcoal Pit in Delaware and fundraisers in New York.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Blumenthal’s Butchery Bill

Written by the Editors of National Review Online

Democrats hold one thing — and one thing only — sacred, and that is abortion. Our diplomats may be murdered abroad, the rule of law may be grossly violated at home, the First Amendment may be written off as just another roadblock on the freeway to utopia, but abortion will always have for them a uniquely holy status — even if that means employing unholy methods to facilitate it.… Continue Reading

Le Deluge: Obama is Quickly Becoming Louis XV

By Bill Whittle

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Hillary’s War on Women

Written by Daniel Greenfield

When the Roman Polanski rape case resurfaced, Whoopi Goldberg coined the term “rape-rape” to describe the difference between the kind of rape she opposed and the kind she was okay with because it had been perpetrated by someone she liked.

In the political world the cases of Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton showed how liberals delineated between the sexual harassment of men they approved of and disapproved of. Now the “Rape Rape” distinction is back with Bill’s wife.… Continue Reading

NOT One of Us…

By Bill Whittle

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Hillary Fans Can’t List a Single Accomplishment


Written by Julie Klose

At a Hillary Clinton book signing in Arlington, Virginia two citizen activists ask Hillary supporters some really simple questions:

“What is Hillary’s greatest accomplishment as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State?”

Watch and witness the future of 2016 and the voting citizens who cannot even list a single accomplishment. Well, except that she is an educated woman. Sigh.

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Dave Brat’s Moral Values Victory

Written by Cliff Kincaid

Dave Brat’s victory over Eric Cantor (R-VA) was attributed to his Tea Party backing, when national groups like the Tea Party Patriots gave him no financial assistance at all. What the media ignored was his campaigning in local churches and emphasis on family values.

In addition to opposing illegal immigration, Brat’s platform declared that “the most important factor in our nation’s success is the strength of the family unit.” It said that Brat would “protect the rights of the unborn and the sanctity of marriage, and will oppose any governmental intrusion upon the conscience of people of faith.”… Continue Reading

Veterans Administration Failures Foretell Obamacare Failures

VA Obamacaare
By Steve Breen – June 10, 2014Continue Reading

Get in the Game!


Written by William G. Parrot


… with the greatest healthcare system on the planet virtually destroyed by federally-mandated socialized medicine?

… with America’s feckless foreign policy, squandering blood-soaked accomplishments in the Middle East and a porous border totally void of any enforcement?

… with the wanton slaughter of four American patriots in Benghazi trivialized by the most incompetent, corrupt administration in our history?

… with the IRS treachery against law-abiding U.S.… Continue Reading