Thoughts on Trump’s Victory
Written by Bill Mulenberg
We have not just witnessed a big renewal in the U.S. political landscape, but a resurrection. Donald J. Trump has comfortably been elected the 47th president of the United States. Counting continues, but at this point he handily overtook the 270 electoral college votes needed to win.
He gave a brief victory speech in Palm Beach at around 2:30am. But Kamala left early and did not say a word to the media or her deflated fans – just like Hillary refused to come out and speak to her supporters in 2016. And in his speech he repeated a now familiar line, that people keep telling him God saved him from the assassin’s bullets for a reason – so that he could do his bit to help save America from the wretched mess it has been in for the past four years.
At the moment he has won 295 electoral votes, and may well go as high as 315 votes or more. He seems to have won all seven key swing states, which is pretty amazing as well. Kamala on the other hand has only won typical Democrat strongholds. Kamala did not beat Biden’s vote from 4 years ago in one American county it is being reported. Wow.
Trump also won the popular vote as well, as of the time of this writing. He has so far won around 73 million votes (some 51%) to 69 million votes (some 47%) for Kamala. This is the first time the Republicans have won the popular vote since 2004. So far she has won around 22 American states, and Trump around 26 states.
And there have been other big victories in this landslide win. Before this the Republicans had 49 of the 100 U.S. Senate seats, but now they have a majority of 53, with perhaps 55 still possible. Before the election, the Republicans had 220 U.S. House of Representatives seats of 435 seats. It looks like they will continue to hold the U.S. House. And even in gubernatorial races, they still seem to have a majority of governors in the 50 states.
So this has been a massive win all around – a clean sweep for Trump and the Republicans. Trump survived all the lawfare, lawsuits, smears, hatred, lies, contempt, as well as almost all the mainstream media fully siding with the Dems against him, and the assassination attempts, only to win two out of three of his runs for the White House. Not a bad achievement by any account. Indeed, only Grover Cleveland in the late 1800s also performed such a feat.
While he had many fellow Republicans not siding with him back in 2016, that is not the case today. There are now no more never-Trumpers amongst the Republicans. Those that still exist have shifted over to the Democrats. So with both Houses of Congress, and a united team, and a clear mandate, Trump should be able to fulfill many of his promises, be it repairing a ruined economy, strengthening our borders, bring stability into the world, dealing with crime, and making America great again.
The failure of Kamala and the Dems
Cacklin’ Kamala never appealed to ordinary American voters. She was an out of touch, aloof, west coast elitist and leftist who had nothing in common with regular Americans seeking to make a living and work several jobs each just to make ends meet. She and Walz made for the most radical far left ticket in American presidential history.
The Dems had spent well over a billion dollars on this campaign, while the Republicans spent around a third of that. Policy is what voters wanted to hear about. They did NOT want to hear from brainless celebs like Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Oprah. Yet all Kamala and Tampon Tim could do was gloat about getting struggling taxpayers to pay for sex-change operations for prisoners and the like.
The truth is, Kamala had one message and one message only: Hate Trump, Hate Trump, Hate Trump. Trump on the other hand had one message only: offer workable policies to help restore American greatness. Hatred does not win elections – workable proposals for a better future do.
Spiritual takeaway
I and many millions of other Christians around the world have prayed so much for this election. This has been a massive answer to prayer, and a huge win in terms of spiritual warfare. What the enemy planned for evil, God planned for good. And it might be a long-lasting one, with Vance possibly winning the 2028 and 2032 elections for POTUS.
As great as all this is, I must repeat what I have stated so often: a Trump win does not mean God’s Kingdom has come to earth. Only Jesus can ultimately save us from all the evils, problems and sins that we face. But it does mean that the rot can be slowed, the swamp can be further drained, the Machine can be resisted some more, and America can still have a chance to survive and thrive. It is a welcome reprieve in other words.
In a fallen world that is about all that we can ask for and hope for. And those are all very good things indeed. Now that Trump and the Republicans have won, we need to keep praying for America. For the time being the party of hate, division, abortion, and anti-Christian bigotry has been handed a severe blow. But they will not just sit down and accept this loss without a fight.
So much of the hate-filled left detests losing, and a literal riotous response is likely to occur. We may well again see cities on fire as protestors refuse to accept the verdict of the American people. So keep praying. Satan is not happy with this outcome, nor are too many leftists.
And keep praying for Donald Trump. He sure will need our prayers. And thank God for this bit of amazing grace. As Charlie Kirk just tweeted,
“We need to remember we did not earn this, it’s God’s mercies on us.”
Amen to that.
This article was originally published at BillMuehlenberg.com
Bill Muehlenberg is an American-born apologist and ethicist in Melbourne, Australia. He has a BA with honours in philosophy (Wheaton College, Chicago), an MA with highest honours in theology (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston).
He has his own ministry called CultureWatch, which features Christian commentary on the issues of the day: billmuehlenberg.com. He is a prolific author, and a much sought after media commentator, and has been featured on most television and radio current affairs programs. Bill teaches ethics, apologetics and theology at several Melbourne Bible Colleges. Bill is married, with three sons.