Written by Rev. Thorin Anderson

Listeners to mainstream Media outlets cannot miss the fact that most representatives of the legacy news organizations consider Donald Trump to be a serious, even existential, threat to America.  The fear they have engendered is such that two people have taken it upon themselves to try to take him out!  Are these media elite right, or are they distracting from the one who really does desire to radically transform the country?

In recent days, conservatives have played clips of Kamala Harris’s repeated statements about her vision for America’s future, “unburdened by what has been.” These video clips have been provided as examples of her incoherent “word salads” and intellectual vacuity.  But are they meaningless gibberish revealing an uncreative mind, or something far darker?  I see them as a repetition, in different words, of a core tenet of Marxism.

The first major step in the implementation of communism is to erase a people’s past.  Marx held the irrational notion that a capitalistic society is corrupted in every way, but somehow, once the people have totally destroyed it, they will miraculously create a perfect, “classless” society!  From the “ashes” of the past, utopia springs! We need look no further than the Cultural Revolution in China to see Marx’s vision implemented, and tragically, at great human cost.  Estimates place the death toll at forty-five million or more.  Mao and the Gang of Four even changed the country’s language!  If you cannot read your history books, you will, of course, not know your history.

Is this what Kamala meant with “unburdened by the past?”  I believe it is.  But how does one become “unburdened” from the past?  Would it not mean that the past is erased?  Does it not mean that one has no  memories of that which came before him, whether good or bad?  It certainly suggests that your and my pasts are considered a “burden” to someone!

Most of us appreciate our ancestors, our heritage as well as our and their accomplishments. But you, I, and America’s youth, being knowledgeable of our history, culture, and religion are clearly obstacles to the future that globalists plan for us.

Listening to the rhetoric of the Left, we see that they have no intention of leaving our society intact, changing only the economic system.  No, they plan to destroy it all, to “burn it to the ground.”  Whatever you and I have learned, inherited, achieved, or possess must go.  She, and other Democrats, have repeatedly used slogans such as, “we’re not going back,” and “a new way forward,” to define their movement.  Such slogans signal their antipathy for our nation’s heritage.

And what is the wonderful future they plan for us?  If you recall from the 2020 Antifa and BLM riots, the rioters refused to answer the question of what they wanted to accomplish.  That should raise serious suspicions. They repeatedly tell us, “We’re not going back,” and even their descriptor, ”Progressive” signifies their focus on “change,” of severing us from our history.

Their strategy is to separate Americans from their parents, their culture, their dreams and aspirations, their possessions and their constitutional rights.  They intend to expunge from the minds of Americans our Constitution, our legal and political philosophy, our great liberties, and memories of the many who gave “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor” to provide us with the greatest and freest culture in human history. Their expression “we’re not going back,” is intentional, and they have succeeded far too well in this goal, as surveys of young people reveal an abysmal ignorance of our great heritage.  It is the Left’s plan that we, the common citizens, own nothing, and can do nothing for ourselves, thus becoming dependent on them.

Mao Zedong, through “reeducation,” erased much of the Chinese peoples’ knowledge of their great history and replaced it with the empty promises of communism.  Current Chinese president, Xi Jinping, now has a near strangle hold on the people of the nation and treats them with what can only be considered distain.  Citizens own very little and are controlled by “social credits” rewarded them for “good behavior,” that is, obedience to the government.  By submission to their masters, the Chinese people earn points which allow them special privileges, not unlike pet owners giving their animals treats to encourage certain behavior! It is disgusting, but it is how communism works.

Kamala Harris’s statements reveal that regardless of your political persuasion, she distains your past, your achievements, your family, your heritage and culture, your personal aspirations, and whatever you have accumulated to date.  And worse, she totally disrespects your and my ability to determine for ourselves what course we choose in life.  One can only deduce that it is her plan, and that of the Democrat Party, to take everything away from Americans, leaving us with nothing, and placing everything under their control.  You think I exaggerate?  Recall that more than one of their leaders have publicly stated or written “you will own nothing and be happy!”

Translate that “you and I will be powerless.”

This is all part of the “central planners’” (people like Bill Gates and George Soros) intentions for the United States and the world.  They are so arrogant as to believe that they know better than we do what is best for each of us.  Or, more likely, they care nothing at all about us and merely seek power for themselves.

The Communist Party US began its plot to destroy American liberties over seventy years ago, and has been frighteningly successful, to the degree that they no longer field their own presidential candidate but support whoever the Democrat Party puts forward!  It should send shivers down every American’s spine when we hear the Democrat candidate, Kamala Harris, repeating communist propaganda!

A study of Socialism’s past will reveal not a movement unified around a wonderful ideal, but rather a multitude of self-serving agitators who exploit the difficulties experienced by everyone to accrue power to themselves.  It appears that socialist leaders never get along for any length of time as they jostle for power, and each communist group in every country sooner or later splinters into smaller groups, vying for control and in the process, killing one another.

And so it continues today.  The only thing that has changed is the names of the “champions” who will “save” us from the businessmen they claim are exploiting us.  It is now Kamala Harris and Tim Walz who are going to usher in the “New Way Forward,” Donald Trump being the primary obstacle to their success.  It is the same basic ruse perpetrated by every communist tyrant.  (Frankly, if I am to be exploited, I’d rather it be by a businessman down the road I can confront than by a Marxist bureaucrat in an office a thousand miles away who has the power to prosecute me!)

If you need more evidence, consider Sean Adl-Tabatabai’s article in    The People’s Voice, where he notes that The Economist, (owned by One World Government supporter, Lord Rothschild), names Donald Trump as a “present danger” and a threat to the “New World Order.”  Why so?

Simple.  Former President Donald Trump loves the United States, its citizens and their liberties, making him, as a presidential contender, the number one enemy of the world’s most notorious central planners!  For those of us who love personal liberty, it seems that that would make him a true patriot!

Something that Trump’s critics have overlooked in their criticisms and accusations against him is that dishonorable men rarely if ever raise honorable children.  Yet all of Trump’s children appear to be hard working and respectable.  This speaks volumes about the former president and undermines his accusers.

And recall that Trump’s enemies don’t point to actual evidence of his malfeasance, but name call and accuse him with the aid of a complicit media.  The same people who lied for years regarding President Joe Biden’s competence, and the “secure” southern border, declare Trump’s guilt. Proving themselves to be inveterate liars, nothing they say is credible.  So they, absent proof, but with hair on fire, state that Trump is an existential threat to democracy, and millions, in ignorance, panic.

I suggest that you overcome your lethargy and do your own homework.  Learn who Trump really is.  Yes, his tongue is a little loose at times, but his actions as president weakened government bureaucracies and empowered citizens!  Unemployment was way down and take-home pay was up.  His record is quite clear.

Even worse than their lies, however, are their efforts to use law enforcement agencies, local and federal, (like petty warlords in third world countries do) to turn Trump into a criminal.  While these efforts have mostly vaporized, they reveal that the Left is willing to destroy anyone who stands between them and their goal of transforming America into a communist state.  By-the-way, have we forgotten that when Barak Obama became president, he stated his intention to “fundamentally transform” America!  What is a more fundamental change than that of destroying personal liberty and instituting the bondage of communism?  Obama wrote in his first biography of his attraction to Marxism as a student.

How different today’s liberalism is from that of the ‘60s and ‘70s, when a popular song decried those who “can’t even run your own life” trying to run ours!  Leftists are now on their knees begging the tyrants to take control!  I have to wonder what the pundits, talking heads, and petty politicians think they will get out of the deal.  They might want to study how communists have historically treated those in the media and other leaders once they are in power!

At the foot of Lady Liberty, we find Emma Lazarus’s poem               inviting the nations of the world to send America “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”  That was then.  This is a totally different now!

Kamala Harris distains our hunger for liberty, our love of “breathing free;” and by exploiting the few who are satisfied with handouts from government, and others who are genuinely hurting, seeks to usher in socialism.  By encouraging lawlessness, disrespect for our great heritage, and undermining the Constitution and our elections, she, and the Democrat leadership seek to destroy that which has made America great.

Donald Trump was president for four years, and if he had an appetite for illicit power, he certainly would have manifested it then, and his critics would be proclaiming his nefarious deeds from the rooftops.  They do not, and cannot, because he did no such thing.  They claim that he refused to accept the results of the 2020 election. Interesting, as Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams did precisely the same following the 2016 election. The last I checked, Joe Biden has been in the White House for nearly four years now, and attempts to prosecute Trump for seeking to overturn the election have largely collapsed.  Such charges appear ”trumped” up.  Pun intended.  They have no merit.

Yes, he has raised questions about the election, (and, by the way, don’t try to tell any of us who have lived forever with the Chicago “Machine,” that elections are fair and honest!) and he believes cheating occurred; but he is no threat to America’s Constitution, while the efforts of the Left certainly are.  Read the published plans of the Communist Party USA, dating back seventy plus years, and you will discover that Kamala Harris and others are merely fulfilling their agenda.

What we present here are not conspiracy theories, but hard cold realities that are easily confirmed. If there were not many decades of the Left’s public boasting of their plan to destroy America’s way of life and usher in communism, one might be skeptical of Kamala Harris carrying out such a plan.

But the evidence of her complicity is too significant to ignore.