2022 General Election Resources
The most updated 2022 General Election Voter Guide is HERE. The Spanish version is HERE. You will not find this information anywhere else! NOTE: You will need your U.S. Representative (Congress), State Senate, and State House district numbers to follow the voter guide. Click HERE for candidates and district numbers. If you have misplaced your voter ID card, which has the district numbers, you can also call your county clerk’s office. You can click HERE to look up that contact information.
For voters to report problems at polling locations, call 312-201-9000.
If you are an election judge or a trained poll watcher, or if you would like to be trained to poll watch, please sign up on the IFEC website to become part of this statewide team. Poll watchers can choose when & where they want to serve and will have access to a special PW hotline with support. Signing up on our site will help ensure all spots are covered. www.ILFairElections.org
The so-called “Worker’s Rights” Amendment on the ballot will amend the Illinois Constitution by tremendously increasing the power of government public sector union bosses and increasing property taxes by an average of $2,100 per year. Click HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE to understand what it means for Illinois and why we urge a NO vote.
Click HERE for candidates running for a judicial seat. The list includes endorsements and ratings from anti-family and pro-family groups.
Six judicial candidates returned our questionnaire. Click on their names to read their answers.
Mike McHaney for 4th Circuit
Ken Hogan for 9th Circuit
Bill Stiehl for 20th Circuit
Paul Evans for 20th Circuit
James Odom for 24th Circuit (write-in candidate)
Mark Curran for Illinois Supreme Court 2nd District
Governor, state, and federal comparison memes and voting records for sharing on social media pages HERE.
Click HERE you’ll find a list of candidates that we believe will serve Illinois with integrity and fight for pro-family values.
The Republican and Democratic Parties are polar opposite on many issues. Click HERE to compare them on six important issues: Abortion/Life, Marriage/Family, Immigration, Judiciary, Religious Liberty, and Education.
While the November 8th General Election is less than 45 days away, early voting will begin at designated locations next Thursday, September 29th. Additional early voting sites begin on October 24th. As in every election cycle, this election is critical for Illinois as well as for the nation, and it is crucial that your voice is heard. We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to exercise your civic duty to vote and be good stewards of God’s amazing gift of self-government.
With this much time to cast our ballot, there is simply no good excuse for not voting in this (or any) election!
Plain and simple, vote by mail can lead to folly. Vote by mail used to be called absentee voting. But many states, including Illinois, are now using it as the norm. By all means, if you’re unable to physically vote in person, request a vote by mail ballot, but mail it back quickly.
But for those who are able to vote in person, here’s what we recommend:
1.) Request a vote by mail application. Click HERE. Follow the prompts to download a VBM application.
2.) Take your VBM ballot to an early voting location. Note: search under the county where you live for locations. But if you live in the cities of Aurora, Bloomington, Chicago, Danville, East St. Louis, Galesburg, Peoria, or Rockford, search under those cities.
3.) Surrender the VBM ballot. Ask the judge to write across the VBM ballot “SPOILED.” Then vote in-person on a paper ballot that you can feed through the tabulator yourself.
According to our Friends at the Illinois Conservative Union and their Election Integrity Program, this is the best way to secure your vote and limit any folly.
Vote by Mail applications are already being accepted by your local County Clerk.
For more information on early voting locations or to order a mail-in ballot, contact your local election authority HERE.
Lastly, but most importantly, please pray for our state/nation during this election cycle. And remember: “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as rivers of water: He turns it wherever He will,” Proverbs 21:1. God’s judgment on America may be justified, but it is not necessarily imminent! We should pray for mercy and a revival instead.
As Christians we must be salt and light to the culture around us. We must seek and support the election of God fearing candidates. We ought to expose and shame those who promote evil, including those in the deceitful media. But, if we believe Scripture when we are told that if “we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9), and that God loves to forgive (Psalm 86:5; 130:4; Micah 7:18; Mathew 26:28; Luke 15:11-31) — we should seek His tender mercies for our neighbors, our state and our nation. It is wise to seek His favor and appeal for His patient loving kindnesses.