Biden Spoke For Organization Founded and Led by Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas Operatives

Written by John D. Guandolo

On July 20, 2020, Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden spoke online for the Million Muslim Voters Summit hosted by the Muslim Brotherhood’s EMGAGE, formerly called Emerge USA.

Set the Stage: What is EMGAGE

EMGAGE was founded by and is led by Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas operatives.

Current “Co-Chairperson” of EMGAGE is attorney Khurrum Wahid, a former legal advisor to the national headquarters of Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), who headed a Hamas/CAIR office in Florida as well.

Among his many clients, Wahid counts numerous terrorists he has defended, befriended and supported. This list includes Sami al Arian, the former leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad; Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, currently serving a life sentence for being an Al Qaeda operative and plotting to kill President George W. Bush, among many other charges; and many others.

Incorporation and financial documents for EMGAGE reveal that Amin Mitha is listed as a Principal Officer and Treasurer, and currently serves as a Board Member for EMGAGE.

Amin Mitha’s son Farooq Mitha, also serves as a Board Member for EMGAGE and was Hillary Clinton’s National Muslim Outreach Coordinator.

EMGAGE’s Executive Director for Michigan is Nada al Hanooti.

Nada al Hanooti’s father is Muthanna al Hanooti, who was indicted for acting as an agent of Iraqi intelligence and violating U.S. sanctions against Iraq. Muthanna al Hanooti was convicted and served over a year in prison.

Nada al Hanooti’s grandfather – Mohammed al Hanooti – was arguably one of the most prolific Muslim Brotherhood leaders/scholars in North America, and a fundraiser for the designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) Hamas.

Mohammed al Hanooti served as the Imam of the Islamic Center of the Capital District near Albany (NY) which held regular fundraisers for the terrorist group Hamas.

A declassified FBI Action Memo written by then FBI Assistant Director for Counterterrorism Dale Watson identifies Mohammed al Hanooti as being present at the 1993 meeting of U.S. Hamas leaders in Philadelphia, as well as being the first President of the Islamic Association of Palestine, identified as a Hamas front organization. The FBI memo reveals Hanooti raised over $6 million dollars for the terrorist group Hamas.

Mohammed al Hanooti is listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Al Hanooti had direct contact with the driver of the delivery vehicle Mohammed Salameh, who attended the mosque at which al Hanooti was the Imam.

In the unindicted co-conspirator list produced by the U.S. Department of Justice in the largest terrorism financing trial ever successfully prosecuted in American history – US v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, Northern District of Texas, 2008 – Mohammed al Hanooti is also listed as a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Palestine Committee, which is Hamas in the United States.

When Mohammed al Hanooti died, the entire Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas world publicly hailed and mourned him.

Two key points worth noting: (1) EMGAGE’s current CEO is Wael Alzayat. Alzayat previously served as Senior Policy Advisor to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power and Syria Outreach Coordinator with Ambassador Robert Ford. (2) Financial disclosures of the George Soros organization Open Society reveal it gave $1 million to EMGAGE in 2019.

EMGAGE Hosts the Million Muslim Votes Summit

During his brief speech for the EMGAGE/Muslim Brotherhood online event, presidential candidate Joe Biden made a number of comments which bear review and attention as they reveal a gross lack of understanding of the very organization with whom Mr. Biden is working – Hamas/EMGAGE – as well as his ignorance about the Islamic Movement in the United States, its modus operandi, and the doctrine it follows – sharia.

This article was originally published by