Presidential ILVoterGuide… Follow the Money


The Presidential ILVoterGuide will be released in four installments as the debates and campaigns progress. The first release comprises revealing campaign finance data on each presidential candidate.

Candidates will say what voters want to hear during campaigns. That’s why ILVoterGuide is critical for concerned voters who want to cut through the onslaught of media ads and misinformation – getting the truth out about candidates. This is especially important during this presidential primary where many of the candidates say the same thing.

This first installment of ILVotgerGuide reflects federal and state campaign finance sources. It will include all donations from legislators to the candidate, as well as donations from the candidate to the legislators in conjunction with links to the legislators’ voting records.

Because a candidate willingly chooses and accepts who they receive money from, it can indicate their ideological position on issues.  It is even more revealing seeing what organizations, individuals and candidates the candidates give their own money to and how those recipients vote

The future installments to ILVoterGuide will include voting records, endorsements, candidate issue surveys, and panel evaluations.

There is so much hope for America so long as we take action to put people in leadership who stand on principle rather than power. ILVoterGuide is a special tool that will equip voters to do that.

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