Posts tagged: U.S. Professional Association for Transgender Health

Threatening Violence, Trans Activists Expel Un-PC Research At Medical Conference

Threatening Violence, Trans Activists Expel Un-PC Research At Medical Conference

Written by Mary Hasson

The drama at this conference reveals a disturbing picture of a medical community unable or unwilling to exercise independent judgment in the face of trans rage.

It didn’t take long for the inaugural scientific conference of the U.S. Professional Association for Transgender Health (USPATH) to descend into an ugly display of intolerance and identity politics, with gender-confused kids as ideological pawns.

When the dust finally settled, trans bullies and their medical allies had colluded to kick a dissenting expert (Kenneth Zucker) off the program, justified their censorship by indirectly blaming President Trump (the “direct threat” to trans people from the “new political climate”), and declared victory.… Continue Reading