Posts tagged: TikTok

The Elites’ Extinction Agenda: Getting Rid of The Children

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Recently, Jeffrey Clark, an associate editor for Fox News Digital, wrote an important column summarizing the growing call in media circles for “humans to go extinct.” In his article, Mr. Clark cites the oft-repeated refrain from cultural talking heads who now argue that “science proves kids are bad for the earth and that morality suggests we stop having them.”

Examples include Ginger Zee, a meteorologist on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” who recounted in December the tension she felt in becoming pregnant with her second child because some in her family didn’t think she would “do that again,” for the sake of the planet.… Continue Reading

Hospitals Need to Defer to Families on Life-and-Death Issues

Written by Betsy McCaughey

Hospitals need to back off their authoritarian “we know best” posture and respect what a patient’s family wants.

At 10 a.m. Saturday, Royal London Hospital stopped life support for 12-year-old Archie Battersbee, against his parents’ wishes. He was dead by 12.15 p.m. Millions had followed his case since April, when his mother found him unconscious on the floor.

Apparently, he took a dangerous dare promoted on TikTok to hold his breath until he blacked out.… Continue Reading

The Left, Children and Sex

Written by Laura Hollis

What is it with Leftists and their obsession with children and sexuality?

Seriously, on just about every aspect of sexuality, the Left has it wrong. Their preferred policies have already done incredible amounts of individual, familial and societal damage, and yet they keep pushing for more — and getting away with it. It’s bad enough when those negatively affected are adults. But children are increasingly the targets — and the victims — of these policies.… Continue Reading