Written by John Biver
Pat Hughes from “Upstream Ideas” recently recorded a scathing short video slamming state Senate Republican Minority Leader Christine Radogno for her participation in the crafting of a budget “compromise” which includes a tax increase on Illinois families. That video can be seen here: ‘Republican’ Minority Leader Radogno Looking Out For Herself Not You.
It should be noted that Sen. Radogno has been the senate GOP leader since 2009, and was recently reelected to that position by her fellow Republicans.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bruce Rauner, Chris Kennedy, Christine Radogno, Dan Proft, Illinois Policy Institute, Illinois Republicans, Jeanne Ives, John Tillman, k-12 education, Michael Lucci, Pat Hughes, Steve Rauschenberger, Upstream Ideas
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
February 11, 2017 11:00 AM |
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Written by Scott Reeder
Last week, Gov. Bruce Rauner proposed a budget that trimmed funding for state universities.
The reaction of university bigwigs?
Jack up tuition and protect the bureaucracy at all costs. And I mean at all costs.
Look no further than the comments Illinois State University President Larry Dietz made to WEEK TV news:
“Budget cuts at that level would have an impact on many areas of University operations and there are many issues on the table for discussion.
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