Posts tagged: Steve King

U.S. House Committee Passes Dangerous Jailbreak Bill

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Nowhere is the hard turn to the left within our body politic so evident as in Republicans signing on to the “Willie Horton soft on crime” agenda. Despite the president’s insistence that we get tougher, not weaker, on crime and drug trafficking, Jared Kushner and the Koch-funded phony right-leaning organizations won’t stop pushing that agenda. And it appears that even the conservatives who haven’t gotten roped into this extreme and dangerous agenda are ill-quipped to push back against it.… Continue Reading

Evangelicals Help Cruz Surge Ahead of Trump in Iowa Poll


Written by Ray Northstine

Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is the new GOP frontrunner in Iowa, according to a Monmouth University poll released Monday.

Cruz leads Trump 24 percent to 19 percent in Iowa, which holds its 2016 caucuses on February 1, 2016.

Monmouth noted that Cruz’s lead is the first time he has come out on top in any state polling for the 2016 election cycle.

However, A CNN/ORC poll released Monday, shows Trump still leading in Iowa with 33 percent support to Cruz’s 20 percent.

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Conservatives Need to Re-establish Control of Party and Nation

Reagan conservatives

Written by David Limbaugh

I am concerned that certain Republicans just can’t take yes for an answer. To borrow an old adage, they can’t handle prosperity — with prosperity being defined as the voters rejecting Obama’s agenda (and thereby embracing theirs).

This is partly because of the fact that many grass-roots conservatives mistakenly believe that their only obstacle to moving a conservative agenda forward in Washington is the so-called Republican establishment — GOP centrist politicians and their institutional supporters.… Continue Reading