Posts tagged: Secretary of State

A Fight For Our First Amendment Rights!

Written by Nancy Hayes

The RESTRICT ACT combined with Albert Sensors….What could possibly go wrong?

Most of us remember this famous Ronald Reagan quote: “The most horrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.

Unfortunately, the government doesn’t always tell us what we SHOULD know, but rather what they THINK we should know or what they WANT us to hear.


Non-Citizens May Not Have “The Vision Thing”

Written by Jane Ryan Carrell

Chicago Tribune writer Eric Zorn has offered a new paradigm for U.S. elections. Zorn says, “Let’s give Green Card holders (non-citizens who have legal status to reside permanently and work in the U.S.) voting rights. After all, they pay taxes!” His January 23rd column is titled, “Jesse White’s blunder makes me want to ask, what’s so terrible about allowing non-citizens to vote?

The column was precipitated by the news that Illinois’ automatic voter registration system, which is in effect at driver’s license facilities and other state agencies, had mistakenly registered 545 non-citizens who had interacted with a state agency.… Continue Reading

Rex Tillerson: Trump’s Most Disastrous Pick

Image result for rex tillerson

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Trump has made his decision on the big cabinet post — secretary of State — and it’s ExxonMobil CEO, Rex Tillerson.

There is no way to sugarcoat this: Tillerson is a disastrous pick. Those who share the mentality of transnational corporate leaders like Tillerson are pre-conditioned to supporting the foreign policy establishment mindset on critical issues so as not to upset the applecart and what’s good for business.

While much of his issue portfolio is a blank slate, what we know about him and his past comments is disturbing.

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