Posts tagged: Samuel Rodriguez

Yes, Churches Can Engage in the Political Struggle to Protect Religious Liberty and Defend Judeo-Christian Morality


Written by John Biver

Here are just a few of the many resources (articles and videos) available on the topic of church activities deemed “political,” as well as on the Johnson amendment. So few people know this due to the conservative failure in the information war.

Regardless of the Johnson amendment, however, two notes…

First, note this quote from Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel has observed:

Pastors can preach on biblical, moral and social issues, such as natural marriage and abortion, can urge the congregation to register and vote, can overview the positions of the candidates, and may personally endorse candidates.

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Hispanic Evangelicals’ Votes Up For Grabs

Written by Steve Jordahl

The leader of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference implies that the votes of millions of born-again Hispanics in America are up for grabs in the coming presidential election.

Hispanic evangelicals met in Anaheim, California, last weekend for what was tabbed as “Latin Leaders Fest.” The two-day event featured speakers such as evangelist Luis Palau and Pastor Alberto Delgado, and the husband-and-wife worship team Nic Gonzales and Jaci Velasquez.

During the gathering, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump made video pitches to the Latin Leaders Fest.… Continue Reading