Posts tagged: Roy Moore

Trump Should Ignore Judge on Transgenders

Written by Bryan Fischer

U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly is a lowly U.S. District Court judge in the District of Columbia. She is not the Commander-in-Chief.

Yet she has somehow appointed herself commandant of the entire United States military in an astonishing display of hubris and judicial supremacy. She ruled this week that transgenders must be allowed to serve in the military, overturning the president’s executive order on the matter.

U.S. Senatorial candidate Judge Roy Moore, who knows a thing or two about confronting an out-of-control judiciary, today called for this judge’s impeachment, and of course he is right to do so.… Continue Reading

The Foul Stench in Washington

Written by Walker Wildmon

Traditionally in America, representatives and senators carry out the will of the people in our nation’s capital. Sadly, this is not the case in the modern political era. Many of today’s politicians are more concerned with their own interests rather than the interests of our country.

Mitch McConnell has been in the news recently for the fact that little good is getting done in the U.S. Senate under his leadership. Here are a few examples of this lack of progress.… Continue Reading

Why Progressives Won and Conservatives Lost


Written by Paul Hair

Progressives now run the U.S. And they achieved this massive victory for a simple reason: they were willing to go to war while conservatives were not.

The College Fix reported on June 8 that the California State University Northridge ran a professor off its campus “for being too conservative.”

Meanwhile, on June 13, the Daily Signal reported on how progressives are attempting to remove a judge in Wyoming because she will not lie about marriage.… Continue Reading