Posts tagged: Rod Rosenstein

“Insurrection” vs. Numerous Subversions of the American Left

Written by Trevor Thomas

With U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s release of thousands of hours of Capitol surveillance video footage to Tucker Carlson, and Carlson’s subsequent airing of the footage on his popular FOX News show, it’s more clear now than ever: What the American left did to Trump, on COVID, on crime (especially the ANTIFA/BLM riots), at the border, and the like, was FAR worse than anything that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.… Continue Reading

The Four Pillars of the D.C. Swamp: Part 2

Written by Walker Wildmon

There are four pillars of the Swamp in Washington, D.C. Each of these pillars works against the American people and President Trump’s agenda.

The legislative branch and judicial branch are the first two pillars; they are discussed here in Part 1 of this blog series. Each institution, in its original form, was created for good. Now, these once good institutions have been remade into something that has and continues to hurt our country.… Continue Reading