Posts tagged: Rights of Conscience

Authoritarian Thugs Continue Their Persecution of Jack Phillips

Written by David Harsanyi

I’ve been writing about Denver-area baker Jack Phillips for over a decade now. It’s clear to me he’s going to be badgered into the grave by authoritarians intent on punishing him for thought crimes. From the first time his name appeared in the news until this day, the media have misled the public about him, about the case and about the law.

The latest chapter in Phillips’ Kafkaesque saga involves a transgender lawyer named Autumn Scardina, who demanded Phillips create a pink cake with blue frosting to help celebrate a gender transition.… Continue Reading

“Getting Involved” (Illinois Family Spotlight #002)

Monte Larrick and Dave Smith discuss Governor Bruce Rauner’s recent signing of SB 1564 and note how winnable some political battles are if only more of us stepped into the public square.  After detailing our civic responsibilities and why those duties are placed on citizens’ shoulders, Monte and Dave go over some ways we can impact our communities and our leaders.

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"Getting Involved" (Illinois Family Spotlight #002)
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