Posts tagged: religion

“The Religion of Us” (Illinois Family Spotlight #239)

Successful plans are best built on a foundation of strategic thinking. When it comes to political involvement, Christian apologist Dr. Frank Turek states that Christians ought to focus their efforts on motivating and mobilizing the citizens who share their worldview on the most critical issues of the day. Speaking at the 2017 IFI Worldview Conference, Dr. Turek also poses and answers these key questions: what is the purpose of government; can morality be legislated; how can we counter self-defeating statements; and what’s at stake and what should we do?… Continue Reading

PODCAST: The Disastrous Co-Belligerence of Never-Trumpers and Leftists

Never-Trumpers in a de facto alliance with leftist Trump-loathers of various stripes have apparently succeeded in their effort to elect a cognitively impaired man who claims to be Catholic while heartily endorsing a legal right to slaughter the unborn while making the public pay for their deaths. Never-Trumpers can now give themselves a hearty pat-on-the-back for an evil job well done.

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PODCAST: The Disastrous Co-Belligerence of Never-Trumpers and Leftists
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