Posts tagged: race relations

“Is America Racist?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #070)

Written by John Biver

In the Spotlight this week, Dave Smith once again sits down to talk to Rev. Ceasar LeFlore, the Founder and Executive Director of the Beloved Community Development Coalition and the Midwest Regional Director of the Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN). Pastor LeFlore is working towards a national pro-life prayer network, he is seeking to unite a million prayer intercessors to daily pray for the end of abortion.

They discuss racial tensions in America, from the NFL’s move to take a knee, to uniting the American church.… Continue Reading

Barack Obama’s Deplorable Race Relations Legacy


Written by Steve McCann

A recent phenomenon in American politics amid the conclaves of the media and academic elites is the stultifying debate over an outgoing president’s so-called “Legacy.”  The nation now finds itself embroiled in this conversation as none other than Barack Obama, by his innumerable self-serving speeches, countless appearances on a multitude of media platforms and myriad gatherings with fawning supporters, has attempted to establish a positive spin on his legacy.  He has far exceeded anything the previous occupants of the Oval Office have done to reinforce their image as they leave the White House behind. … Continue Reading