Posts tagged: Peter LaBarbera

“The Threat a Biden-Harris Administration Poses to Christianity” (Illinois Family Spotlight #227)

This week’s Spotlight features Monte Larrick’s conversation with Peter LaBarbera, Executive Director of Americans for Truth. Monte and Peter discuss the Biden-Harris administration’s top priorities: advancing gay and transgender rights and passing the Equality Act, or in Peter’s words, the Criminalizing Christianity Act. They examine ways in which the “legal sledgehammer” of this act could affect churches’ and faith-based schools’ hiring practices, as well as possible changes we might experience on a state level.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: LaBarbera on the Biden-Harris Administration Threat

Written by David E. Smith

This week’s Spotlight features Monte Larrick’s conversation with our friend Peter LaBarbera, Executive Director of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality. Monte and Peter discuss the Biden-Harris administration’s top priorities: advancing gay and transgender rights and passing the Equality Act, or in Peter’s words, the Criminalizing Christianity Act. They examine ways in which the “legal sledgehammer” of this act could affect churches’ and faith-based schools’ hiring practices, as well as possible changes we might experience on a state level.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: ‘Sex’ Refdefined by SCOTUS

Written by David E. Smith

In a shocking 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that, based on “sexual orientation,” LGBT individuals are entitled to protection against workplace discrimination under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Joining Monte Larrick for a jam-packed discussion of this ruling and its ramifications is Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth and The Center for Morality.

Monte and Peter explore the possible changes Illinoisans can expect as a result of the court’s misguided decision and they specifically address how private sector businesses, churches, Christian schools, and faith-based organizations could be impacted.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Politics of Hate, Transgenders in the Military and Birth Certificates

Written by David E. Smith

Monte Larrick recently interviewed Peter LaBarbera for this week’s Spotlight podcast. Peter is the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, a Naperville-based organization that exposes and counters the radical LGBTQIA agenda. He is a former reporter for The Washington Times, worked as a writer, editor and analyst for Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America, and was a speaker for Focus on the Family.

Monte and Peter discuss the extreme agenda to promote gender dysphoria and President Trump’s military transgender ban.… Continue Reading

“Transgenders in the Military, Hate Groups, and HB 1785” (Illinois Family Spotlight #057)

Monte’s guest for this week’s podcast is Peter LaBarbera, the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.

They will discuss the radical transgender agenda, as mentioned in the title, and the hate group, the SPLC.

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"Transgenders in the Military, Hate Groups, and HB 1785" (Illinois Family Spotlight #057)
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The Day of Silence (Spotlight #035)

Monte’s guest this week is Peter Labarbera. Peter is the president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, a non-partisan, non-profit group dedicated to exposing the homosexual-bisexual-transgender activist agendas. Peter Labarbera also writes for

Monte and Peter talk about the day of silence, and how Christian students and parents should respond if your school is participating in it. They also discuss HB 1785.

HB 1785 would allow people to change genders without surgery. Simply by declaration! … Continue Reading

LGBTQ Lauds Jeb Bush’s Stand for SSM Ruling


Written by Michael G. Haverluck

Former Florida governor and prospective 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush might have moved himself further away from the conservative voters he’s been trying to woo by inserting himself in the middle of Florida’s recent courtroom chaos, urging Floridians to “respect the rule of the law” recently changed by a pro-“gay” activist judge to legalize same-sex “marriage.”

The ruling on same-sex marriage by Florida District Court Judge Robert Lewis Hinkle was interpreted this month by state officials as allowing the union that was formerly banned by Florida’s traditional marriage amendment, which protected marriage as only between one man and one woman.… Continue Reading