Posts tagged: oil drilling

Attacking America

Written by Gary Bauer

As the country struggles with record gas prices, it’s worth reviewing the left’s rhetoric and actions toward America’s energy industry.

Power plants, refineries and other major infrastructure sites have always been prime targets of our enemies. When hackers from Iran, Russia or communist China launch cyberattacks, our energy infrastructure is frequently at the top of their list.

But now the entire government of the United States is attacking our energy industry in the courts and through its vast regulatory powers. … Continue Reading

Democrats’ Latest Obsession, The New ‘War on Women’

Written by Robert Knight

We’re in another season of orchestrated, obsessive hysteria.

This time, thanks to the unprecedented leak of a U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion, it’s about abortion.

Earlier obsessions were the Russian collusion hoax, the Trump phone call to Ukraine’s president asking about Biden family corruption (the shocking scale of which is still media-suppressed), the Trump impeachments, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A couple of other stories have made it through the media’s lockstep coverage.… Continue Reading