Posts tagged: Noam Chomsky

Wild Leftist Chomsky: GOP ‘The Most Dangerous Organization In World History’

Written by Ben Shapiro

On Monday, linguistics professor-turned-crappy socialist political commentator Noam Chomsky called the Republican Party “the most dangerous organization in world history.” Chomsky continued by explaining why this was no exaggeration:

The last phrase may seem outlandish, even outrageous. But is it? The facts suggest otherwise. The party is dedicated to racing as rapidly as possible to destruction of organized human life. There is no historical precedent for such a stand.

Of course, Chomsky is talking about Trump’s opposition to using the federal government to crack down on the fossil fuel industry in order to curb supposed man-made global warming.… Continue Reading

America in Retreat


U.S. adversaries are exploiting the void
left by withdrawn American leadership

Written by Sebastian & Katharine Gorka

When President Barack Obama took office, Osama bin Laden was in hiding, al-Qaida in Iraq was in retreat, and the governments of the Middle East, while not necessarily exemplars of democracy, were at least stable.

Today, seven-and-a-half years later, as we near the end of his presidential term, al-Qaida is resurgent under the leadership of Ayman al Zawahiri, the Taliban rules half of Afghanistan, and al-Qaida in Iraq, after becoming ISIS, has declared a caliphate with more territory than the United Kingdom and with “fully operational” affiliates in 18 nations around the world and dozens more groups sympathetic to its totalitarian religious ideology of global jihad.… Continue Reading