Written by James E. McNally
Opposition to the teaching of a seriously flawed ideology known as critical race theory has drawn the ire of Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg. His column is riddled with almost as many flaws as the NY Times “1619 Project”, apparently championed by Steinberg, which inanely asserts that the American Revolution was conducted because the colonists feared that Great Britain was about to abolish slavery, a ridiculous charge (among many contained in the document) debunked by serious historians of various political persuasions.… Continue Reading
Tags: Abraham Lincoln, Chicago Sun-Times, critical race theory, Democrat Party, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jack Johnson, Joe Biden, Joe Louis, Klu Klux Klan, Muhammed Ali, Neil Steinberg, NY Times, Robert Byrd, Rush Limbaugh, The 1619 Project
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
July 2, 2021 8:00 AM |
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Written by John Jay
Liberal media pundits are up to their usual tricks by chastising proposed budget cuts as “hurting our most vulnerable” in typical boogeyman alarmist fashion.
Anytime a reformist finally gets elected to clean up a decades-long mess that’s been simmering in any state capitol, state bureaucrats and progressives dig in to resist any change of the status quo.
Step in the Chicago Sun-Times’ Neil Steinberg:
Illinois was 50th out of 50 before.
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