Posts tagged: Mexico

Open Southern Border: Irresponsible and Foolish

Written by David E. Smith

Can the incompetence of the Biden Administration be any clearer than the alarming humanitarian situation we have on the southern border with Mexico?

Some estimates show thousands upon thousands of immigrants steaming across the border every day. Recent reports claim that those numbers are even higher than that.

A robust, well-regulated immigration policy is not only a benefit to our nation but a legacy we ought to continue into the future.… Continue Reading

GOP Governors Must Repel The Invasion

Written by Daniel Horowitz

It’s unparalleled in human history. No other sovereign nation has ever voluntarily invited millions upon millions of invaders, primarily young men, to line up at the border and march into the country. With over 140,000 estimated illegal aliens just in the past two weeks (which would be an annual flow of 3.7 million) – even before the official rescission of Title 42 on Thursday – we are out of time to stop this invasion through traditional means.… Continue Reading