Written by Benjamin Smith
Some of the most important words we will ever speak are words of truth. Please listen to this very important edition of Spotlight as the executive director of Illinois Right to Life, Mary Kate Knorr; attorney and senior counsel for the pro-life Thomas More Society, Peter Breen; neonatal ICU nurse, Emily Kelly; cardiologist, Dr. Nalini Rajmannan, and the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, Eric Scheidler speak passionate, informed, reasoned and rational, scientifically-accurate words of truth about the realities of abortion and the devastating effects that unprecedented abortion expansion will bring to Illinois.… Continue Reading
This edition of spotlight features the Illinois life champions responding to the approval of dramatic abortion expansion by Governor Pritzker at a news conference directly following the signing and celebration of Illinois’ democrats abortion masterpiece: the RHA.
The speakers are Mary Kate Knorr, the executive director of Illinois Right to Life, her attorney Peter Breen, the senior counsel of the pro-life Thomas More Society, a neonatal ICU nurse by the name of Emily Kelly, Dr. Nalini Rajmannan, and the Pro-Life Action League’s Eric Scheidler.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Dr. Nalini Rajmannan, Emily Kelly, Eric Scheidler, Governor Pritzker, Illinois Democrats, Mary Kate Knorr, Peter Breen, RHA
| Benjamin D. Smith |
June 18, 2019 3:00 AM |
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Written by Benjamin Smith
Following on the heels of National Sanctity of Human Life Day, this week’s episode of Spotlight features Mary Kate Knorr, the executive director of Illinois Right to Life.
Ms. Knorr joins Monte Larrick for a thorough look at the anticipated attack on Illinois’ parental notification of abortion law and the devastating effects watering down this law – specifically by expanding the definition of the word “guardian” – will have on young girls in crisis.… Continue Reading
This week’s episode spotlights Mary Kate Knorr, the executive director of Illinois Right to Life.
Mary Knorr joins Monte Larrick to take a hard look at the planned attack of Illinois’ parental notification of abortion law, how to stem the overwhelming assault on this critical law, what Illinois could look like if parental notification of abortion is repealed, and holding anti-life lawmakers accountable.
They also take an over-arching view of what Planned Parenthood and anti-life activists are attempting to accomplish in Illinois, why cultivating strong relationships with your children (grandchildren), especially daughters, is so vital to slow the consistent emergence of crisis pregnancies, and finally a proposal in Springfield to legalize physician assisted suicide.… Continue Reading