Posts tagged: Karen Randall

SPOTLIGHT: Consequences of Marijuana Legalization and Commercialization

Written by Benjamin Smith

Joining Monte Larrick for this week’s Spotlight podcast are Dr. Karen Randall and Jo McGuire, both Colorado residents and marijuana experts in their respective fields. Sixty Illinois legislators, Republicans and Democrats, have issued a resolution calling for a slowdown regarding legalization and commercialization of high-potency marijuana – and our guests say a slowdown is well-warranted.

Dr. Randall and Ms. McGuire can attest that the overall cost to health, safety, law enforcement, and social service entities in their state far outweighs the miniscule “profit” generated through marijuana tax revenue.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Randall Explains THC and CBD

Written by Benjamin Smith

In this week’s Spotlight podcast – maybe we should call it a potcast – Dr. Karen Randall returns to share her knowledge and experience with legal, high-potency marijuana, not only in her role as an ER physician, but also as a tax-paying resident of Colorado.

Dr. Randall explains the difference between the major compounds, THC and CBD, found in the marijuana plant and addresses how genetic modification affects compound levels. Monte, Dave, and Dr.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Until It Affects You

Written by Benjamin Smith

In light of Governor JB Pritzker’s avowed priority to legalize “recreational” marijuana in Illinois, this week’s Spotlight podcast is definitely worth listening to as well as sharing with family and friends – especially anyone who might be on the fence about the subject of legalization.

As a long-time Emergency Room physician (with a certificate in Cannabis Science and Medicine from the University of Vermont), Dr. Karen Randall brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table as she describes to Monte Larrick and David Smith the devastation legal access to high-potency marijuana has brought to her community of Pueblo, Colorado.… Continue Reading

“Until It Affects You” (Illinois Family Spotlight #129)

This episode Spotlights the marijuana debate, specifically in Illinois. Dr. Karen Randall joins Monte Larrick and David Smith to discuss the problems that Colorado is experiencing resulting from commercializing marijuana.

"Until It Affects You" (Illinois Family Spotlight #129)
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SPOTLIGHT: Marijuana’s Ramification on Medicine

Written by David E. Smith

This week’s Spotlight podcast focuses on the deception and devastation surrounding legalization of recreational marijuana. Joining Monte Larrick is Dr. Karen Randall, an emergency room physician from Pueblo, CO. Dr. Randall trained in the areas of emergency medicine, pediatrics and family practice. She holds a certificate in Cannabis Science and Medicine from the University of Vermont, serves on the Board of Directors and is Vice President of Case Management for Southern Colorado Emergency Medical Associates, and speaks nationally and internationally on the dangers of marijuana.… Continue Reading