Posts tagged: Joseph Goebbels

An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This week I had a new Facebook “friend” send me this note: “Upon liking your professional page a minute ago, Facebook warned me that your page ‘has repeatedly shared false information.’”

Because communicating with a real human being at Facebook’s Ministry of Truth is more difficult than talking with your dead uncle at a Madam Blavatsky seance, perhaps this open letter to Mark Zuckerberg is in order.

Your Eminence Mr. Z,

I have recently been informed that I am guilty of posting “false information” on your social media platform.… Continue Reading

Pandering Democrats Protect Own Ideology But Say Nothing to Defend Free Speech

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On May 10, 1933, students in 34 university towns across Germany gathered to burn more than 25,000 books. The works of authors like Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway and Helen Keller went up in flames.

At the same time, 40,000 people gathered to hear the German Minister of Public Enlightenment, Joseph Goebbels, give a speech applauding those who were “commit[ting] to the flames the evil spirit of the past.” The unwanted ideas of Western civilization fueled the bonfires of Berlin.… Continue Reading

Freeing People from Left-Wing Lies

Written by Tom Trinko

The majority of Democratic voters are victims of a deliberate conspiracy by the leftist media, academia, and the Deep State to mislead them through lies of omission and commission.

A recent Pew survey shows that leftists are much more likely not to want to associate with people who don’t share their political views than are conservatives.  Furthermore, leftists are more likely not to know any conservatives.

Look at the electoral map from 2016 – the blue areas are all tiny and tightly grouped.… Continue Reading