Posts tagged: John Boehner

Conservative Organizations Say “NO” to Candidates Who Say “NO” to Family Values

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Republican candidates who support abortion and same-sex marriage won’t be getting any love from pro-family groups in the upcoming election. CitizenLink, Family Research Council Action and the National Organization for Marriage have teamed up to urge voters not to support U.S. House candidates Carl DeMaio in California and Richard Tisei in Massachusetts as well as U.S. Senate candidate Monica Wehby in Oregon.

“The undersigned organizations… will mount a concerted effort to urge voters to refuse to cast ballots for them in the November election,” the groups wrote in a letter to Republican leaders.… Continue Reading

Unimpeachable Tales in Washington


Written by Robert Knight

All this talk of Republicans on the verge of impeaching President Barack Obama is nonsense, stoked by Democrats and a few wistful conservatives who dream aloud about what, in a constitutional republic, should actually happen to a lawless president.

With Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) running the U.S. Senate, however, it’s not going to happen right now, regardless of the clear merit. If the U.S. House passed an impeachment resolution, Reid would give it no more respect than a used tissue – after waving it around to whip up the party’s base.… Continue Reading

NOT Jeb Bush


Written by Chad Groening

A conservative icon says while it appears many in the establishment GOP are already rallying around Jeb Bush as their choice for 2016, he thinks it would be better to nominate a “good, principled conservative” to run against someone like Hillary Clinton.

During a recent luncheon in San Antonio, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he has “nudged” former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (above) to run for president in 2016. Bush has already indicated he is considering a run; and both his brother, George W.Continue Reading