Posts tagged: Jim Schneider

SPOTLIGHT: Laurie Higgins on “The Transing of Public Schools”

Written by Benjamin Smith

On this edition of Spotlight, Laurie Higgins joins Jim Schneider, host of VCY America’s CrossTalk program, for a lively discussion of the ubiquitous indoctrination agenda in our nation’s government schools. Laurie’s experience as an educator and, for the past thirteen years, IFI’s cultural affairs writer has given her valuable insight on the small, subtle, incremental steps that have led public schools away from focusing on academic instruction to prioritizing social and sexual indoctrination.… Continue Reading

“Is Polyamory or Pedophilia Next?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #161)

This edition of spotlight features a Laurie Higgins appearance on Jim Schneider’s Voice of Christian Youth (VCY) America program, Crosstalk.

They discuss the present-day radical anti-science sexual revolution heavily promoted by the National Education Association and division 44 at the American Psychological Association, the rising normalization of non-monogamous relationships, the absence of an alternate perspective in public schools, some extremely Leftist business items passed by the NEA at their most recent convention, and a new Leftist term: white fragility.… Continue Reading