Written by Kathy Valente
Illinois State Senator Jason Barickman (R-Bloomington) has been an outspoken proponent for legalizing high-potency marijuana and he wants a “seat at the table” when Gov.-elect JB Pritzker and other Chicago Democrats move the bill in 2019.
Take ACTION: Barickman will be the featured speaker Dec. 4 at the McLean County Chamber of Commerce’s BN The Know event in Bloomington, titled “Recreational Marijuana and the Business Community.” You can register to attend HERE.… Continue Reading
Written by John Biver
In a high tax state that’s bankrupt and losing residents and jobs, one might think that our government officials would have better things to do than legalizing marijuana for recreational use. And one would be wrong. Especially when taxing marijuana is seen as yet another source of revenue for their almost bankrupt tax coffers.
The Illinois Church Action on Alcohol and Addiction Problems (ICAAAP) issued an alert this week bringing attention to the fact that there will be an advisory referendum on the Cook County Ballot calling on the state to legalize marijuana.… Continue Reading

Written by IllinoisReview.com
Two state senators whose names emerged as possible Republican candidates to succeed resigning U.S. Representative Aaron Schock said they won’t be running in the special election to fill the 18th CD vacancy.
State Senator Bill Brady of Bloomington told WLS Wednesday morning he’s not interested in leaving his duties in Springfield and State Senator Jason Barickman* (R-Bloomington) said he too, would remain in the Illinois State Senate.
“Yesterday, I spoke with many supporters, and discussed this potential opportunity to serve with my family.… Continue Reading
Tags: Aaron Schock, Andy Manar, Bill Brady, Darin LaHood, David Koehler, Jason Barickman, John Sullivan, Michael Unes, Tom Demmer
Federal Issues, Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
March 19, 2015 4:00 AM |
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Senator Jason Barickman Breaks With GOP
Written by David E. Smith, IFA Executive Director
Despite the fact that Illinois is facing serious financial and unemployment issues, including a bankrupt pension system, the Illinois Senate recently approved a bill to redefine marriage and family — on St. Valentine’s Day no less.
The vote results were 34-21 with 2 voting present. This destructive and foolish decision reveals the ignorance — or in some cases cowardice — of those who voted for the legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriage.… Continue Reading