Posts tagged: Howard Schultz

Ignorance First, Destruction Next

Written by Laura Hollis

If the latest policies advanced by prominent Democrats are any indication, the national party is going over a cliff: outrageous and extreme abortion legislation (enacted or proposed) in New York, Virginia and Rhode Island; the “Green New Deal”; U.S. Senator Cory Booker‘s meatless society; U.S. Senators Kamala Harris‘ and Kirsten Gillibrand‘s determination to do away with private insurance.

The current slate of Democratic policy proposals are shocking in a number of ways, but one thing that stands out is the staggering ignorance of the proponents.… Continue Reading

Return of the Feckless Chick-Fil-A-Phobes

Written by Michelle Malkin

Move over, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Another unhinged liberal pathology is back:


Perhaps, in the interest of public health, the CDC should launch a weekly C-F-A-P surveillance report to map the recurrence of this culturally infectious disease. Early-onset symptoms include fear of pressure-cooked poultry, allergic reaction to waffle potato fries and an irrational hatred of cow costumes. Anti-Christian prejudice and coastal elitism are common comorbidities associated with this debilitating progressive condition.

Ground zero for the latest outbreak?… Continue Reading