Posts tagged: George Bush

The Disastrous Co-Belligerence of Never-Trumpers and Leftists

Written by Laurie Higgins

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Never-Trumpers in a de facto alliance with leftist Trump-loathers of various stripes have apparently succeeded in their effort to elect a cognitively impaired man who claims to be Catholic while heartily endorsing a legal right to slaughter the unborn and making the public pay for their deaths.… Continue Reading

The Four Pillars of the D.C. Swamp

Written by Walker Wildmon

There are four pillars of the Swamp in Washington, D.C. Each of them works against the American people and President Trump’s agenda.

The legislative and judicial branches are the first two pillars. Each institution, in their original form, were created for good. Now, these once good institutions have been remade into something that has and continues, to hurt our country.

The legislative branch is currently being used to maintain the status quo and prevent President Trump from carrying out all that he and other Republicans promised voters they would do.… Continue Reading

If GOP Blows Nov. Election, Its Anti-Conservative Strategy Will Be to Blame


Written by Brent Bozell

We are watching the wheels come off the most radical and dangerously incompetent administration in history. “I am not on the ballot this fall,” President Barack Obama proclaims, “but make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.”

This statement should be the final nail in the coffin for the Democrats. The GOP should be poised to win a landslide of historic proportions.

So why is there so much debate over whether they’ll win — at all?… Continue Reading