Posts tagged: Friedrich Engels

Battling Cultural Marxists: Courageous Conservatives Needed

Written by Robert Knight

The growing divide in the United States isn’t merely political. It runs far deeper than that. It’s a struggle between those intent on using government and corporate power to turn America into a Marxist version of Sodom and Gomorrah and those resisting this radical transformation.

Political pundits and Republican moderates who dismiss the culture war as a sideshow are missing it. A wave is building. People are awakening to the immense damage that the left is doing on all fronts and are pushing back.… Continue Reading

Bloody Century, Compliments of Marxism

Written by Ed Vitagliano

Ideas have consequences, and the worse the idea, the more widespread the resulting catastrophe.

The socialist theories of the 19th century – the most influential of which was The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels – led to terrifying slaughter in the century that followed. In terms of a death toll instigated by the mind of man, the 20th century was the worst ever experienced by humanity.

“Nothing in the long span of human history comes close to the tyranny, terror, and mass genocide caused by Marxism in power – nothing,” declared C.Continue Reading