Posts tagged: Ed Schultz

Progressive Congressman Defends Father’s Soviet Ties

Written by Cliff Kincaid

After delivering a powerful anti-Russian speech at Saturday’s March for Truth in Washington, D.C., the “effective progressive” U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) threatened this reporter, saying, “if you talk about my father again you’ve got a real problem.”

Clearly upset about a line of questioning that exposed his hypocritical anti-Russian stance, Raskin said, “Stop harassing me.”

The exchange, captured on tape, followed questions about his father’s involvement in arranging conferences with Soviet officials during the Cold War, for the purpose of undermining then-President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist policies.… Continue Reading

The Shrill is Gone! Who’s Got Next in the Demokratik Party?


Written by Luke Hamilton

It is never too early to start planning the completion of a communist coup. We are only midway through Dear Leader’s second term, but the Demokrat primary for the 2016 Presidential election is beginning to take shape. It almost seems as if the party has already abdicated this year’s mid-term election and is instead marshalling forces for the next major election season. It wouldn’t be the worst strategy, given the fact that the prognosis is dire for Demokrats this year.… Continue Reading