Posts tagged: Citizens United

Fake Justice and the Rise of a New Religion


Written by Robert Knight

Post-modern progressives, contrary to popular belief, are not irreligious. They worship at the altar of government power, lifting the chalice of “diversity” and eating the bread of “tolerance.”

Under their arms they carry certain portions of the U.S. Constitution, plus copies of court rulings that are considered sacred and “settled” – but only if they advance progressive notions of progress. All others are open to revision.

For example, progressives have pledged to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United ruling that recognizes the individual right to collective political speech in unions and nonprofits.… Continue Reading

Billionaire Bankrolling Dems Says There’s Too Much Money In Politics, But Not His

Tom Steyer

Written by Chris White

A prominent billionaire some analysts say is buying the Democratic Party complained Monday night about the influence money has on American politics.

Environmentalist money man Tom Steyer told Bloomberg TV that the country needs financial reform, if not to restore the political system to the people, then at least to make certain that “self-interested” businessmen can’t purchase the government.

“And let me say one thing about campaign finance. We believe that Citizens United was a terrible decision,” Steyer said.… Continue Reading