Posts tagged: Christians

“If You’re Wrong on Life, You’re Just Wrong” (Illinois Family Spotlight #117)

On this edition of Spotlight, David Smith and Monte Larrick are joined by the IFA Board of Directors Chairman Rich Hartian to discuss the vital upcoming election; specifically Christians voting Biblical values, the importance of the traditional nuclear family, legislating morality, Conservative Party Gubernatorial Candidate Sam McCann‘s singular actions, the arguments for and against supporting certain candidates in the Illinois governors race, IFA’s down-ballot endorsements, including State Representative Tom Morrison‘s critical race,

They also discuss why the life issue is so significant in deciding who gets your vote.… Continue Reading

Now is the Season for Success for the GOP on the Issues Battlefield

Written by John Biver

Military historian and premier political analyst Victor Davis Hanson asked a critically important question in a recent column: Can a divided America survive?

Some conservatives would have liked to adjust the focus of that question: can America survive without a religious revival mirroring past Christian awakenings in our nation’s history.

Let me ask you to set the spiritual aspect aside for the moment since this is an article addressing political issues. Here’s how I want to frame the question: can America survive if the elected Republicans in the U.S.… Continue Reading