Posts tagged: Charlie Sheen

Kathy Griffin Is Not the Only One Guilty of Anti-Trump Hysteria

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Without a doubt, Kathy Griffin crossed a dark and ugly line when she posted her instantly infamous, beheading picture. And she is suffering the consequences for her foolish actions. But is she alone to blame? Have not others contributed to the toxic atmosphere that provided the backdrop for her misdeed?

Certainly, she alone is responsible for her decisions, and she took responsibility for those decisions in her apology. No one made her do what she did.… Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton’s Islam Connection


Written by Jonah Goldberg

Dear Reader (Including those of you stunned by the news that Charlie Sheen has a sexually transmitted disease. Not since Jim J. Bullock announced he was gay have I been more shocked),

If you Google “Christian terrorism,” you’re probably a [Leftists] to begin with. But if you do — bidden not by your own drive to [liberalism] but by the natural curiosity inspired by this “news”letter — you’ll find lots of left-wing trollery about how the worst terrorist attacks on American soil have been committed by Christians.… Continue Reading