Posts tagged: catch-and-release

Joe Biden’s ‘Sanctuary Nation’ Policies Made Laken Riley’s Death Possible

Written by Daniel Horowitz

When George Floyd died under disputed circumstances in 2020, a spontaneous, rapturous global movement emerged to lionize him and use his death to demand changes to our policing and criminal justice system. The movement succeeded, and it resulted in the worst crime wave in a generation.

Laken Riley, a young nursing student in Georgia, was brutally murdered last week, allegedly by an illegal alien from Venezuela. Where are the cries of “justice for Laken”?… Continue Reading

The Public Health Emergency The Left Won’t Declare

Written by Daniel Horowitz

We were told in 2020 that our life, liberty, and property — up to and including our right to breathe freely — were subservient to the government’s capricious invocation of public health needs. As such, under the guise of stopping a virus, state governments were able to mask children for two years, shut down businesses and churches, and even place travel bans on Americans from other states.

Now officials want to use these emergency powers for global warming and, as we saw in New Mexico last week, for gun control.… Continue Reading