Posts tagged: Carl Quintanilla

No Cindy Sheehan–Style Media Attention for Benghazi Victim’s Father


Written by Jonah Goldberg

For partisan Democrats, when the word “Benghazi” comes up, the sophisticated thing to do is roll your eyes. If the name Charles Woods comes up, the normal thing to do is say, “Who?”

So let’s talk about Cindy Sheehan for a moment instead. Remember her?

For a while, she was the Joan of Arc of the anti-war Left. The mother of a U.S. Army specialist killed in Iraq, Sheehan held a vigil outside President George W.… Continue Reading

The Fallout Continues


Written by Gary L.Bauer

The fallout from Wednesday’s contentious CNBC debate continues. Politico reports that the Republican presidential candidates are taking matters into their own hands.

Representatives from at least nine campaigns will be meeting in Washington, D.C., Sunday to discuss how they can force changes to the debate structure. No one from the Republican National Committee (RNC), which set up this process with the media, has been invited.

The candidates’ frustrations run the gamut from the questioning to the reliance on national polls to determine who makes it into the prime time debates.… Continue Reading