Posts tagged: Alyssa Milano

Democrats Want Unity Only on Their Terms

Written by David Limbaugh

Many Trump haters have been lying all along about President Donald J. Trump, what he stands for, what his record has been and who his supporters are. Now they tell us they want unity.

What Trump wants — and want his supporters want — is for America to reclaim its greatness, its robust liberty tradition, its prosperity, the integrity of its borders, fair trade deals with foreign nations and its military strength.… Continue Reading

The Hollywood Left Hates Alabama

Written by L. Brent Bozell III

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed a bill on May 14 protecting unborn babies from the slaughter of abortion. The vote wasn’t close in the state legislature: 74-3 in the House, 25-6 in the Senate.

One more state has come to its senses.

There’s a wave of pro-life bills being passed in the Southern states. First came the “heartbeat” bills stopping abortions after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected (around six weeks).… Continue Reading