Posts tagged: African-American studies

DeSantis Faces CNN Smears of Racism in Education

Written by Tim Graham

Anyone watching leftist cable news channels knows that it’s considered fair commentary to categorize Republicans, individually or collectively, as “white nationalists” or “white supremacists.” Anyone standing in the way of the Black Lives Matter/critical race theory crusade is dealt the Racist card.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis scored a political win in pressuring the College Board to tone down their proposed Advanced Placement curriculum on “African American Studies.” Every conservative knows from experience that when you place “studies” in front of a minority group — black studies, queer studies, Native American studies, women’s studies — you can expect a highly ideological journey.… Continue Reading

Gov. Ron DeSantis Succeeds on Education Where Other Republicans Failed For Decades

Written by Daniel Horowitz

When was the last time you saw Republicans leading Democrats in any opinion poll on education? Likely never in this generation, not unlike their dismal polling on health care. Education and health care are probably the two most impactful issues on human life, liberty, culture, and economy, yet Republicans have ceded them to the left forever. They tepidly play their “me too” game of acceding to the same socialist policies, merely with less enthusiasm and slightly less funding, rather than offering a new vision altogether.… Continue Reading