Written by David Limbaugh
Various leftist grievance groups have insisted for years that they just want equal treatment and equal rights, that they only want to end discrimination and that they come with an attitude of “live and let live.” Nope.
We’ve long known that the “tolerance” police don’t merely want equal rights and to be treated with civility. They require that you honor their ideas as superior, reject your own contrary ideas and do penance for ever having held your own ideas.… Continue Reading
Tags: Academy Awards, Brandi Miller, Colorado Civil Rights Commission, David Limbaugh, Jack Phillips, Kevin Hart, LGBTQ, Masterpiece Cakeshop, Rich Kiamco, U.S. Supreme Court, USA Today
Religious Liberty | David E. Smith |
December 21, 2018 7:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
I know my title may be a bit presumptuous but something dawned on me as I watched the Kevin Hart being unceremoniously forced out of his gig as host of the Academy Awards show: the same people who for years have insisted that Bible-believing Christians are sour, stuff-shirt, legalistic prudes have been projecting. It’s a little embarrassing that it’s taken me this long to figure it out.
And I don’t just mean the obvious hypocrisy. … Continue Reading