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The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.


Category: Spotlight

The Brave New World of Sex Education (Illinois Family Spotlight #267)

In regard to presenting students with the best alternative to the radical comprehensive sex education taught in government schools, Scott Phelps, Executive Director of Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership states, “When we maintain a very clear and distinct message from all the noise that they’re hearing in the culture, the message really pops; it stands out and they’re able to hear it and see it very clearly.”

On this edition of Spotlight, Monte Larrick and Phelps compare government schools’ comprehensive sex ed that normalizes and encourages sexual activity and unhealthy behavior to Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership’s reasoned and positive approach to sex ed that emphasizes the many benefits of abstinence until marriage.… Continue Reading

The Centrality of Family (Illinois Family Spotlight #266)

This week, Spotlight features Monte Larrick’s exclusive interview with Dr. Eric Wallace, president and cofounder of Freedom’s Journal Institute and cofounder of Black Families Matter. Dr. Wallace speaks to the need for public policy that supports and strengthens families rather than current policy that aims to redefine “family” and severely restrict parental rights and responsibilities. Monte and Dr. Wallace consider a long-term solution to violence in Chicago, the importance of school choice, and the role of the Church and pastors in encouraging and discipling traditional families.… Continue Reading

Government Schools Were Designed To Fail (Pt. 2) (Illinois Family Spotlight #265)

Welcome back to Spotlight for part two of excerpted remarks from Alex Newman’s presentation at the 2021 IFI Worldview Conference! This week Newman details the the history of America’s progression from home-based, faith-based education to government school indoctrination. He also discusses the failures of the Whole Word Method and Common Core, and explains why the current push for a global education system has very little to do with academic excellence or achievement. Supported by Scripture, Newman underscores why parents (and grandparents) are God’s “gold standard” when it comes to their children’s education.… Continue Reading

Government Schools Were Designed To Fail (Pt. 1) (Illinois Family Spotlight #264)

As the school year begins for almost two million public school students in Illinois, this edition of Spotlight is both timely and eye-opening. This week we are featuring remarks from Alex Newman’s, keynote presentation at our 2021 Worldview Conference. Newman addresses government school curricula that prioritize social justice and LGBTQ+ issues, climate change “facts,” gender pseudoscience, and the promotion of pedophilia as more important than educating students in core academic subjects and fostering critical thinking skills.… Continue Reading

School House Rocked: The Movie (Illinois Family Spotlight #263)

We have a very special edition of Spotlight this week, full of information and enthusiasm! While attending the 2021 National Religious Broadcasters Christian Media Convention, Pastor Ceasar LeFlore conducted an interview with Yvette Hampton, writer, producer, and host of the upcoming documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution. LeFlore and Hampton discuss the importance of removing our children from government school indoctrination and how local churches can facilitate this vital change. Hampton stresses the biblical mandate for parents to embrace their role and responsibility to educate and discipline their children in accordance with the all-sufficient Word of God.… Continue Reading

A Day With the Baileys Pt. 2 (Illinois Family Spotlight #262)

On this episode of Spotlight, Illinois Family Action presents the second half of Executive Director David Smith’s conversation with Illinois State Senator and gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey and his wife Cindy. Sen. Bailey gives us a glimpse into life on a large family farm and shares interesting information about the wealth of vital natural resources that can be found in the southern half of the state. Additionally, Bailey presents his vision and priorities for Illinois, should he be elected governor.After… Continue Reading

A Day With The Baileys (Illinois Family Spotlight #260)

Written and Produced by Jenna Smith

This episode of Spotlight features two guests that Illinois Family staff is proud to call our friends and allies: State Senator and candidate for Illinois Governor Darren Bailey and his amazing wife Cindy. If you’ve been following Illinois politics, you have doubtless heard of Senator Bailey as he has been on the front lines challenging the legalities of COVID lockdowns and fighting against government schools’ sexualization of our children.… Continue Reading

The Equality Act, Valiant Valedictorians, and Religious Freedom (Illinois Family Spotlight #259)

While attending the National Religious Broadcasters Convention near Dallas, Monte Larrick had the opportunity to speak with Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO of First Liberty Institute, the largest legal firm in the U.S. solely focused on protecting religious freedom for all Americans. Their conversation begins with a discussion of the dangers of the Equality Act, or as Newt Gingrich calls it “the LGBT Supremacy Act.” Mr. Shackelford explains how passage of this act would gut the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) by launching a far-reaching assault on religious freedom in all areas of society.

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Bonus: A Fathers Desperate Appeal

In this Father’s Day sermon, Dave reviews Matthew 9:18-26, specifically the story of Jairus and his sick daughter.

The faith of this father is recorded not only in Matthew chapter nine, but it is also found in Mark chapter five, and Luke chapter eight.

In verse 18, Matthew tells us that Jairus came to Jesus for help: “While He was saying these things to them, behold, a synagogue official came and bowed down before Him, and said, “My daughter has just died; but come and lay Your hand on her, and she will become alive again.””Continue Reading

Classical Options And Hybrid Education (Illinois Family Spotlight #258)

In this installment of Spotlight, David Smith is joined by Jennifer Burns, founder of the Classical Consortium Academy. The two converse about the benefits of a classical upbringing, involvement of parents, and the art of teaching children HIS-story, math, science, and all the other essentials, with a Godly foundation. They also discuss winsomeness and confronting ideas contrary to Scripture with love.



Classical Options And Hybrid Education (Illinois Family Spotlight #258)
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