School House Rocked: The Movie (Illinois Family Spotlight #263)

We have a very special edition of Spotlight this week, full of information and enthusiasm! While attending the 2021 National Religious Broadcasters Christian Media Convention, Pastor Ceasar LeFlore conducted an interview with Yvette Hampton, writer, producer, and host of the upcoming documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution. LeFlore and Hampton discuss the importance of removing our children from government school indoctrination and how local churches can facilitate this vital change. Hampton stresses the biblical mandate for parents to embrace their role and responsibility to educate and discipline their children in accordance with the all-sufficient Word of God. In addition to relating how her husband supported her as she responded to God’s leading to homeschool their daughters and to take on the documentary project, Hampton also offers helpful options, solutions, and encouragement for parents, especially single moms, who are considering homeschooling.

Click HERE to learn more about the documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution. The website also features the Schoolhouse Rocked podcasts and more information and links on homeschooling.

Pastor Ceasar LeFlore is IFI’s resident chaplain and field director of our Public School Exit initiative. He attended the NRB convention with CURE (Center for Urban Renewal and Education).

School House Rocked: The Movie (Illinois Family Spotlight #263)