Be A Patriot! (Self Evident #55)

In this episode, Kenna Rose tackles the subject of patriotism and why Gen Z is averse to it.

Self Evident
Self Evident
Be A Patriot! (Self Evident #55)
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The American Spiritual Conflict (Illinois Family Spotlight #379)

This episode features a message from the Reverend Stephen Broden from the “Rebuilding the Foundations of Faith and Family conference, hosted by The Spirit of Liberty church located in Markham, IL.

Rev. Broden is the senior pastor of Fairpark Bible Fellowship, located in Texas. He is also the chairman of the Gone Too Far movement.


The American Spiritual Conflict (Illinois Family Spotlight #379)
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Policies that Impact Your Family (Illinois Family Spotlight #378)

Today we’re featuring remarks made by former State Rep. Jeanne Ives. In addition to her service to the legislature, Ives is a WestPoint Graduate, a U.S. veteran, mother of five, and co-founder of Breakthrough Ideas. Her lecture regards the top 5 public policies that impact the American family.

Policies that Impact Your Family (Illinois Family Spotlight #378)
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The Success Sequence (Illinois Family Spotlight #377)

This episode features a lecture from IFI’s 2023 Pro Life Worldview Conference. Keynoter Scott Phelps is the executive director of Abstinence and Marriage Partnership  and his presentation is on the 3 steps to a successful life which are as follows: complete a high-school education, get a stable job and marry before having children. If followed in the correct order, it’s almost impossible to end up in poverty.

The Success Sequence (Illinois Family Spotlight #377)
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On Gender Identity (Self Evident #54)

In this episode, Kenna Rose unpacks with Alyssa and Jenna what her psychology textbook says about sex and marriage, and how her Christian university needs a reminder on what the Bible says of such things.

If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Christopher Yuan and his testimony, CLICK HERE.

If you are interest in Dr. Yuan’s curriculum, “Holy Sexuality,” CLICK HERE.

Self Evident
Self Evident
On Gender Identity (Self Evident #54)
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Fighting For Life In Your Community (Illinois Family Spotlight #376)

16 years ago, Planned Parenthood opened a giant abortion facility in Aurora, IL. Life activists marked that anniversary this year with a prayer vigil outside of the building. One of the vigil speakers is pastor Randy Schoof, who leads the Warehouse Church in Aurora, challenged the attendees to continue praying and counseling on the sidewalks outside of the Aurora abortion mill. The next speaker is Eric Schiedler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League.

Fighting For Life In Your Community (Illinois Family Spotlight #376)
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Indicted for Being American (Self Evident #53)

In this episode, Jenna, Alyssa, and Eliana are honored to interview Chaplain Steven Lee and his attorney, David Shestokas. Pastor Lee is currently under indictment (along with former President Donald Trump and others) from the state of Georgia for “interfering and tampering” with the 2020 presidential election.

To support reverend Lee, consider donating to his givesendgo fund.

Self Evident
Self Evident
Indicted for Being American (Self Evident #53)
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40 Days For Life 2023 (Illinois Family Spotlight #375)

In this episode, Monte Larrick converses with Phil Price and Catharine Walker outside of the Aurora Planned Parenthood, where upwards of 400 surgical abortions are done every month. They discuss the huge impact 40 Days For Life campaigns have on women considering abortions.

40 Days For Life 2023 (Illinois Family Spotlight #375)
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The Foundation of Science (Illinois Family Spotlight #374)

In this episode, David and Monte wrap up their conversation with Dr. Mark Zumhagen.

The Foundation of Science (Illinois Family Spotlight #374)
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COVID Coming Back? (Illinois Family Spotlight #373)

In this episode, Monte Larrick and David Smith convers with Dr. Mark Zumhagen of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Practice.

COVID Coming Back? (Illinois Family Spotlight #373)
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