“How the Fight for Life is Impacted by The Election” (Illinois Family Spotlight #226)

We shine our Spotlight this week on an informative, post-election conversation between Monte Larrick and Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action League. They discuss our newest Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett; the likelihood of repealing Roe v. Wade; bubble zones; and various issues that might be revisited by SCOTUS.

After the break, Eric details the Pro-Life Action League’s efforts amidst the pandemic. He also addresses probable and possible goals of a Biden presidency: reinstatement of Planned Parenthood’s Title X funding, repeal of the Hyde Amendment, a federal abortion law, and more.

For more information on how you can become involved in the fight for life, please click here. To order the Pro-Life Action League’s handbook, Sharing the Pro-Life Message, click here.

"How the Fight for Life is Impacted by The Election" (Illinois Family Spotlight #226)